SECTION 13.04 Continuance of Contracts, Public Improvements and Ordinances.
   All contracts entered into by the Municipality, of and for its benefit, prior to the taking effect of this Charter, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements for which legislative steps have been taken under laws existing at the time Charter takes effect may be carried to completion as nearly as practicable in accordance with the provisions of such existing laws.
   No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending at the time when this Charter shall take effect, brought by or against the Municipality or any office, department or agency or officer thereof, shall be affected or abated by the adoption of this Charter or by anything herein contained; but all such actions or proceedings may be continued notwithstanding that the functions, powers and duties of any office, department or agency or officer a party thereto, may be under this Charter assigned or transferred to another office, department or agency or officer, but in that event, the same may be prosecuted or defended by the head of the office, department or agency to which said functions, powers and duties have been assigned or transferred by or under this Charter.
   All laws and parts of laws relating to or affecting the Municipality in force when this Charter shall take effect are hereby repealed and superseded to the extent that the same are inconsistent with the provisions of the Charter; however, all laws, ordinances and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter shall continue in full force and effect until the same shall be lawfully amended or repealed under the terms and provisions of this Charter.