Each permit for making an opening under this chapter shall be confined to a single project and shall be issued by the Mayor or the Clerk. Application shall be made on a form prescribed by Council, giving the exact location of the proposed opening, the kind of paving, the area and depth to be excavated and such other facts as may be provided for. The person, firm or corporation filing an application for open cut permit under this chapter, as owner or agent thereof, shall pay therefor the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or post a five hundred dollar ($500.00) performance bond. Anyone paying the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per proposed opening will be refunded eighty-five dollars ($85.00) upon approval of installation by the Street Superintendent. Anyone posting a five hundred dollar ($500.00) Performance Bond will still be subject to the fifteen dollar ($15.00) permit fee. When Municipal employee open cut in a street, the opening fee and bond shall be disposed with.
(Ord. 7-79. Passed 3-27-79.)