Garage sales in the Municipality shall be regulated in the following manner:
(a) Definition. "Garage sales" means sales to the general public of personal property owned by the property owner or persons living within the dwelling unit located on the property of another and which sales are conducted on the real estate upon which the dwelling unit of the owner of the personal property to be sold is located.
(b) Hours. Garage sales shall not commence before 9:00 a.m. and must terminate by sundown. No garage sales shall be commenced on Sunday before 1:00 p.m.
(c) Frequency. Not more than two garage sales on the same premises in any one calendar year nor shall any sale exceed a three day period.
(d) Merchandise. All personal property offered for sale at any garage sale shall not be loaned or consigned from another person, or purchased, either wholesale or retail by the person conducting the sale for the specific purpose of reselling it at the sale.
(Ord. 43-82. Passed 12-14-82.)
(e) Signs.
(1) Garage sales may be advertised through the newspaper or other news media and by signs not larger than three feet by three feet.
(2) No signs shall be placed on the public right of way.
(Ord. 39-83. Passed 11-22-83.)
(3) No lighted signs shall be used.
(4) The signs shall be removed promptly after the sale is completed.
(f) License.
(1) Upon application, either in person or by mail, the Administrator is authorized to issue to such applicant a license or permit to conduct a garage sale.
(2) The license shall set forth the name, address and date of sale and shall be issued without charge.
(Ord. 43-82. Passed 12-14-82.)