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The Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document for managing and shaping growth and development in the Town of Mills River. The Plan includes a stated vision for the future, goals, objectives and policies, implementation strategies, and guidance for the desirable use of land as the community evolves. The Plan anticipates future needs for infrastructure, community facilities and public services. It also includes a Land Use Vision map that sets expectations and provides guidance for what uses are desirable within different areas of the town.
The Town of Mills River prepared the Making Mills River 2040 Comprehensive Plan in 2019 and 2020. This Plan is the first Comprehensive Plan of this scale created for the community since its first land use plan in 2005. The Plan is based on extensive public stakeholder engagement as well as an assessment of trends and conditions. The creation of the plan was overseen by a Steering Committee of Town Council members, Planning Board members, residents and business owners.
The Plan meets the requirements of the North Carolina General Statutes. These statutes require local governments to adopt Comprehensive Plans as a function of zoning and a means of enabling policy making for land development regulations. The Town of Mills River is committed to continuing the practice of planning for the future growth of the community. The Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for orderly, efficient and productive development patterns. The Comprehensive Plan and associated chapters of the Code of Ordinances establish regulations that yield a well-functioning and safe community where the potential adverse effects of development are limited for neighboring areas and the community as a whole.
This Plan is a living document and in order for it to serve its purpose it will be reviewed on a regular basis and modified as appropriate to account for changes in the economy, growth patterns, or other factors.