(a)   To the maximum extent feasible, no earth station shall be erected in any front or side yard or within ten (10) feet of any lot line.
   (b)   An earth station may be secured to a side wall, rear wall or roof of the main building. If roof-mounted, such dish antenna shall be mounted only upon the portion of any hip, gable or gambrel roof that faces the rear yard and shall not exceed the maximum height of the roof upon which it is mounted. On flat roofs, the dish antenna shall be set back from the building face a distance at least equal to the height by which it exceeds the building height.
   (c)   No earth station shall be linked to receivers which are not located on the same lot or premises as the earth station, unless the owner or occupant of the premises is operating pursuant to a franchise granted by the Village.
(Ord. 2002-101. Passed 5-28-02.)