A.   No person shall "subdivide", as that term is defined herein, any parcel of land in the county except in compliance with this title.
   B.   From the effective date hereof, the building official shall not grant any permit for the use of any land or the construction of any building or structure on a lot or parcel created in violation of this title, or on a lot in a subdivision created by judicial decree, until a subdivision plat has been approved and properly recorded as required by this title. Any license or permit issued in conflict with the provisions of this title shall be null and void.
   C.   The owner of all lands to be subdivided shall have an accurate plat made of the lands that sets forth and describes all the parcels of ground divided, by their boundaries, course, and extent, and whether they are intended for streets or other public uses, together with any areas that are reserved for public purposes, and the lot or reference unit, the block or building reference, the street or site address, the acreage or square footage for all parcels, units, or lots, and the length and width of the blocks and lots intended for sale.
   D.   No person shall sell, lease, exchange, encumber or otherwise convey any parcel of land which is the result of subdivision of a larger tract of land unless and until a final plat or deed, prepared in accordance with the provisions of this title, shall have been first approved by the planning commission and county commissioners and recorded in the office of the county recorder.
   E.   No lot within a subdivision created and recorded prior to the effective date hereof shall be further divided, rearranged, added to, or reduced in area, nor shall the boundaries of any approved lot be altered in any manner so as to create more lots than initially recorded, or any nonconforming lot, without first obtaining approval of the planning commission and the county commissioners as provided in this title. (Ord. 01-08-27A, 8-27-2001, eff. 10-8-2001)