11-1-3: PURPOSES:
The purposes of this title are to:
   A.   Avail the county of the power granted under Utah Code Annotated title 17, chapter 27, pertaining to land development and subdivision to provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of the county and its present and future inhabitants and businesses.
   B.   Protect the tax base, secure economy in governmental expenditures, foster agricultural and other industries, protect both urban and nonurban development, and protect property values.
   C.   Guide the future growth and development of the county in accordance with the master plan.
   D.   Preserve and protect, to the maximum extent possible, unique and valuable natural and cultural resources and amenities of the county, and improve the public access to and enjoyment of these resources.
   E.   Preserve and protect the environmental and aesthetic character of undeveloped areas of the county by preventing detrimental impacts to soil, vegetation, and drainage through the control of grading and vegetation removal.
   F.   Provide for the efficient and economical delivery of public services through encouraging development to take place adjacent or close to incorporated areas.
   G.   Ensure that all required public and private facilities are provided, and that the burden of installation and maintenance of required improvements is borne by those benefitting from the development, and ensure that appropriate provision is made, through a homeowners' association, performance bonding, special districts, or by other means, for completion of all required improvements. (Ord. 01-08-27A, 8-27-2001, eff. 10-8-2001)