A. Applications accepted as complete for any approval required by the provisions of this title shall be processed, reviewed and approved or denied, subject to the provisions of this title and all other ordinances and resolutions of the county, as applicable and in effect at the time the application is determined to be "complete", by the Millard County planner/zoning administrator (hereinafter "county planner/zoning administrator") as required by this title and all other ordinances and resolutions, as applicable.
B. No building or structure shall be erected, and no existing building or structure shall be moved, altered or enlarged nor shall any land, building or premises be used, designed or intended to be used for any use, activity, purpose, or in any manner other than as allowed by this title.
C. The provisions of this title shall apply to all unincorporated lands located within the boundaries of Millard County, unless exempted by the provisions of this title, or other law.
D. The provisions of this title shall be held to be the minimum requirements necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Millard County, and achieve the purposes of this title and the act. (Ord. 12-12-04, 12-4-2012)