(a) Applicability.
(1) Scope. The application of the landscape regulations established by this Section shall be limited to the same scope as defined in Section 1187.02 of this Chapter.
(2) Exception. Off-street parking and loading areas containing less than five (5) parking spaces shall be exempt from the requirements of Section 1187.09.
Where the total parking provided is located in more than one location on a site and each location contains less than five (5) parking spaces, each such area shall be exempt from Section 1187.09 if separated on all sides by at least twenty feet (20') of non-paved area.
(3) Alteration or expansion. Where an existing vehicular use area containing less than five (5) contiguous parking spaces is expanded and thereby contains five (5) or more contiguous parking spaces, landscaping for the entire area shall be provided and not merely to the extent of its expansion.
(b) Total Landscaping Required. The total landscaping required in off-street parking and loading areas is twenty-two (22) square feet per parking space. Interior and streetscape landscaping count toward the minimum square feet of landscaping required per parking space.
(c) Interior Landscaping Standards. Interior landscaping shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Design. Landscape areas shall be peninsular or island types.
(2) Location. All parking spaces must be at least within 125 feet of a landscaped area.
(3) Minimum Area. The minimum landscape area shall be one hundred (100) square feet.
(4) Surface. Any landscape area provided under this Section shall not contain bare soil. Any ground area shall be covered with stones, mulch, vegetative ground cover, or other surfaces permeable by water.
(5) Retention/Detention Basins. Natural or landscaped retention/detention basins may count toward minimum square footage landscape requirements when the basins are in the front or side yards.
(6) Traffic Visibility. No landscaping shall obscure visibility at a vehicular intersection with the parking area or other areas where clear visibility is necessary to assure safe circulation. Where safe visibility is impaired, canopy trees shall have branches removed from the trunk at least five (5) feet above the ground and shrubs or groundcover shall not exceed two (2) feet in height. Evergreen trees and understory trees that would impair visibility for safe circulation shall not be planted in these areas.
(7) Minimum Width. No interior landscaping area shall be less than ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet.
(d) Determination of Interior Landscape Requirements. The Landscape Requirements shall be computed as follows:
(1) Interior Landscape Area Requirement. Determine the landscape area by multiplying the Landscape Area Requirement of twenty-two (22) square feet per parking space (Section 1187.09 (b)) by the total number of parking spaces on the lot.
(2) Planting Requirements. To determine the minimum number of canopy trees, use the rate of one (1) canopy tree for each ten (10) parking spaces for retail uses and two (2) canopy trees for each ten (10) parking spaces for non-retail uses. Any fractional number of trees shall be calculated to the next highest whole number.
To determine the total number of required shrubs, use the rate of six (6) shrubs for each ten (10) parking spaces for retail uses and three (3) shrubs for each ten (10) parking spaces for non-retail uses. One canopy tree may substitute for three (3) shrubs. Trees and shrubs do not have to be equally spaced, but may be grouped.
(e) Overlap. When any portion of the parcel is subject to more than one set of landscape or buffer requirements as set forth in this or any other Chapter, the most stringent requirement shall control. The most stringent requirements shall be defined as those which require the highest fence, wall or screen or, if no fence, wall or screen is required, the requirements with the greatest quantity of landscaping.
(f) Credit. Existing trees and shrubs, fences, walls or berms on a parcel may be used to meet the requirements of this Section if they meet the standards established in this Chapter.
(g) Plant Installation and Maintenance Standards. All new plant material as part of the requirements for this Chapter shall be in accordance with Chapter 1189, Landscaping and Bufferyard Requirements.
(h) Modifications. In the event that the unusual topography or elevation of a development site, the size of the parcel to be developed, the extent of expansion or redevelopment of the site or parking area is deemed to be insignificant, or the presence of existing buffers on adjacent developed property would make strict adherence to the requirements of this Chapter serve no meaningful purpose or would make it physically impossible to install and maintain the required landscaping, the Planning Commission may, upon proper application by the property owner, and upon making findings of fact, modify the requirements of this Chapter provided the existing or resulting landscape features of the development site comply with the spirit and intent of this Chapter and other related Chapters.
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)