(a) New and Expanded Uses. The off-street parking and loading requirements of this Chapter shall apply to the following:
(1) A permit application for the erection of a new building; or
(2) For an alteration, addition or change of use of an existing building; or
(3) For an alteration or change of land use that requires more parking.
(b) Existing Uses. The off-street parking and loading requirements of this Chapter shall not apply to buildings and land uses legally in existence on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance unless modified in the manner stated in Section 1187.02. Furthermore, any parking or loading facilities now serving such existing buildings or uses shall not be reduced below these
requirements in the future.
(c) Maintenance. The duty to provide and maintain all such areas shall be the joint responsibilities of the owner, operator and lessee of the use for which vehicular use areas are required.
(d) Plan Review. For any off-street parking area required under this Chapter, a plan shall be submitted with the application for a Zoning Certificate to the Zoning Inspector to review for compliance with these regulations and for any other applicable regulations.
Any such parking plan shall show the following:
(1) Number of parking spaces;
(2) Arrangement of parking aisles;
(3) Location of driveway entrances;
(4) Provisions for vehicular and pedestrian circulation;
(5) Location or typical location of sidewalks, wheel stops, lighting and curbs on or adjacent to the property;
(6) Location of utilities, barriers, shelters, and signs;
(7) Location of landscaped areas and the types and location of vegetation to be planted in them;
(8) Typical cross sections of pavement;
(9) Stormwater drainage facilities;
(11) Any other relevant information requested by the Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)