(a)   Upon receipt of a completed application and payment of any required fees, the Zoning Inspector, or their designee, shall have the prescribed amount of time to do the following:
      (1)   Administrative Review Building Improvement.
         A.   The Zoning Inspector shall consider and provide a decision on an Administrative Review Building Improvement application within thirty (30) days after receipt of a completed application.
         B.   The Zoning Inspector may, within thirty (30) days after receipt of a completed application, approve, deny or refer any Administrative Review Building Improvement application to the Planning Commission for consideration of approval as a regular agenda item.
         C.   If referred to the Planning Commission, the application shall be placed on the next available meeting date subject to notice and submittal deadlines requirements.
         D.   If the Zoning Inspector denies an Administrative Review Building Improvement, the applicant may appeal the decision following the procedure set forth in Section 1131.04.
      (2)   Minor Building Improvement.
         A.   After receipt of a completed Minor Building Improvement application, the application shall be placed on the next regular Planning Commission agenda for consideration. No public hearing is required for a proposed Minor Building Improvement application.
         B.   After review of the application Planning Commission may take action on the application as set forth in Section 1167.09(c).
      (3)   Major Building Improvement. Any Major Building Improvement Application shall go through a two-step review process as set forth below:
         A.   Step 1: Neighborhood Meeting. Upon submission of a completed application for a Major Building Improvement under this chapter, the applicant shall attend a Neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposed project. The intent of this meeting is to introduce the proposed project to the neighborhood attendees and to receive comments on the application. The Zoning Inspector shall notify all property owners located within 400 feet of the subject property for which an application is being made. The notification shall be made via US Mail and provide a summary of the proposed improvements and provide the date and time of the Neighborhood meeting for which it is scheduled.
         B.   Step 2: Planning Commission Meeting. After receiving input on the sketch plan, the application shall be placed on the next regular Planning Commission agenda for consideration.
         C.   After review of the application Planning Commission may take action on the application as set forth in Section 1167.09(c).
      (4)   A proposed conditional use within this zoning district shall require a public hearing as set forth in Section 1195.03 and incorporate all applicable conditional use review standards found in Sections 1195.04-05. The conditional use public hearing shall also serve as the required Step 2 Planning Commission Meeting. The Planning Commission shall take separate action on both the conditional use request and the proposed Major or referred Building Improvement Application.
   (b)   Standards of Review. The following design standards of review shall serve as guidelines to assist the Planning Commission and staff to consider when reviewing proposed building improvement applications within this zoning district. The proposed improvements should be guided by and support the following standards when applicable:
      (1)   Protect and enhance the physical character of the area within the MRD zoning district.
      (2)   Prevent the deterioration of property and nuisance conditions.
      (3)   Encourage private investment to improve and stimulate the economic vitality and social character of the district.
      (4)   Ensure that renovations, expansions and new infill developments do not adversely affect the physical character of the area overall nor adversely affect the quality of life for residential inhabitants located in and within close proximity to the district.
      (5)   Support those goals and objectives applicable to the district as provided for in the City of Milford Comprehensive Plan.
   (c)   One of the following four actions may be taken for those building improvement applications heard by the Planning Commission:
      (1)   Approval - Approval of project as submitted. A Zoning Certificate is issued;
      (2)   Approval with Conditions. Approval of project with conditions that must be met prior to a Zoning Certificate being issued;
      (3)   Continuance. If the Planning Commission determines that additional information is required as part of their review process, the consideration of the application shall be continued until the information is provided to the Commission;
      (4)   Denial.- Proposed project is denied. The applicant can appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals or modify the development and resubmit another application.
   (d)   Construction must begin within one year of Zoning Certificate issuance date or the Zoning Certificate becomes invalid. Planning Commission may grant an extension if the applicant presents reasonable evidence that the development has encountered unforeseen difficulties.
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)