Surcharges for extra-strength pollutants shall be added to the basic charges for sewer service. The unit cost surcharges for various pollutants shall be based upon the following formula:
Su/p = (Cp/dis ) - (Cp/std ) x % OMRp
Su/p = Unit surcharge for extra-strength pollutants
Cp/dis= Pollutant strength in wastewater discharge
Cp/std =Pollutant strength in standard wastewater
%OMR=Percent of OM&R costs allocated to treatment of a particular pollutant
Surcharges shall be based on the OM&R costs for the recipient waste treatment only. Negative surcharges (that is credits for discharges of less-than-standard concentrations) shall not apply.
The % OM&Rp cost allocations shall be as follows:
40% to volume treated
30% to BOD5 removal
30% to SS removal
BOD5 = Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand, ppm or mg/l
SS = Suspended Solids concentration, ppm or mg/l
NH3-N = Ammonia Nitrogen, ppm or mg/l
(Ord. 91-1396. Passed 8-20-91.)