A building or premises within the city is hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance where there exists any of the following condition or conditions:
   (A)   Buildings which are unsafe, abandoned, boarded up, partially destroyed, dilapidated due to deterioration, fire, wind, or other hazard, or partially constructed and uncompleted at the expiration of the building permit;
   (B)   Buildings with excessively deteriorating concrete, siding, masonry, or roofing materials or peeling paint or other conditions that allows the exterior building to deteriorate or become unsightly or permit the effects of weather penetration to encourage decay, dry rot, warping, and/or cracking of the structure;
   (C)   Broken windows, doors, or attic vents;
   (D)   Overgrown vegetation in excess of ten inches which is unsightly and/or likely to harbor rats, mice, or vermin. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. VEGETATION shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants, other than trees or shrubs, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens;
   (E)   The accumulation of dead animals, animal matter, or waste of any kind, or dead diseased or decayed trees. (See §§ 93.01 to 93.12.) Dead animals cannot be left to remain on any public street, alley, public ground, or private lot within the city;
   (F)   Trash, garbage, or refuse cans, bins, boxes, bags, or other such containers permanently stored in front yards visible from public streets or avenues;
   (G)   (1)   Lumber, junk, trash, tires, debris, or salvage materials, abandoned, discarded, or unused furniture, stoves, sinks, toilets, cabinets, or other fixers or equipment which is visible from a public street, avenue, alley, or adjoining property.
      (2)   Commercial and industrial properties may store essential inventory, equipment, and supplies outdoors, except that items of property retained for salvage, repair, or reclamation shall be kept from view by utilizing fences or other enclosures;
   (H)   Abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative trailers, campers, boats, and other motor vehicles. (Reference as defined by §§ 73.15 to 73.30);
   (I)   Any water or liquid that may become stagnant or allow mosquito larvae to exist;
   (J)   Accumulations of combustible refuse matter, such as papers, sweepings, rags, grass, tree branches, wood shavings, wood scraps, magazines, cardboard, and the like. Properly maintained compost bins for these materials are acceptable;
   (K)   Accumulations of lumber, boxes, barrels, bricks, stones, construction debris, or any other similar material unless it is stored elevated not less than four inches above the ground on an open type rack to prevent the harborage of rodents;
   (L)   Abutting sidewalks and alleys must be kept clean and in good repair;
   (M)   Accumulations of snow and ice on sidewalks that remain for a period of time in excess of 72 hours after the snow or ice have accumulated thereon; or
   (N)   Any closely related condition or conditions.
(Prior Code, § 11.20.000) (Ord. 669, passed - -2000; Ord. 823, passed 6-8-2019)