The following are hereby declared to be nuisances affecting health:
(A) Exposed accumulation of decayed or unwholesome food or vegetable matter;
(B) All diseased animals running at large;
(C) All ponds or pools of stagnant water;
(D) Carcasses of animals not buried or destroyed within 24 hours after death;
(E) Accumulations of manure, refuse or other debris;
(F) Privy vaults and garbage cans which are not rodent-free or fly-tight or which are so maintained as to constitute a health hazard or to emit foul and disagreeable odors;
(G) The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream or lake, canal or body of water by sewage, industrial waste or other substances;
(H) All noxious weeds and other rank growths of vegetation upon public or private property;
(I) Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot, or cinders, in unreasonable quantities;
(J) All public exposure of people having a contagious disease; and
(K) Any offensive trade or business as defined by statute not operating under local license.
Penalty, see § 92.99
The following are hereby declared to be nuisances affecting public morals and decency:
(A) All gambling devices, slot machines and punch boards, except as otherwise authorized and permitted by federal, state or local law;
(B) Betting, bookmaking and all apparatus used in those occupations;
(C) All houses kept for the purpose of prostitution or promiscuous sexual intercourse, gambling houses, houses of ill fame and bawdy houses;
(D) All places where intoxicating or 3.2 malt liquor is manufactured or disposed of in violation of law or where, in violation of law, people are permitted to resort for the purpose of drinking intoxicating or 3.2 malt liquor, or where intoxicating or 3.2 malt liquor is kept for sale or other disposition in violation of law, and all liquor and other property used for maintaining that place.
(E) Any vehicle used for the unlawful transportation of intoxicating liquor, or for promiscuous sexual intercourse, or any other immoral or illegal purpose.
Penalty, see § 92.99
The following are declared to be nuisances affecting public peace and safety:
(A) All snow and ice not removed from public sidewalks 24 hours after the snow or other precipitation causing the condition has ceased to fall;
(B) All trees, hedges, billboards or other obstructions which prevent people from having a clear view of all traffic approaching an intersection;
(C) All wires and limbs of trees which are so close to the surface of a sidewalk or street as to constitute a danger to pedestrians or vehicles;
(D) Any person participating in any party or other gathering that causes the unreasonable disturbing of the peace, quiet, or repose of another person in such a manner as to be plainly audible at the boundary of the real property, building, structure, or residence from which the noise originates, or at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. “Plainly audible” is defined as sound that can be detected by a person using their unaided hearing faculties.
(E) All unnecessary and annoying vibrations;
(F) Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary public use of streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds except under conditions as are permitted by this code or other applicable law;
(G) Radio aerials or television antennae erected or maintained in a dangerous manner;
(H) Any use of property abutting on a public street or sidewalk or any use of a public street or sidewalk which causes large crowds of people to gather, obstructing traffic and the free use of the street or sidewalk;
(I) All hanging signs, awnings and other similar structures over streets and sidewalks, so situated so as to endanger public safety, or not constructed and maintained as provided by ordinance;
(J) The allowing of rain water, ice or snow to fall from any building or structure upon any street or sidewalk or to flow across any sidewalk;
(K) Any barbed wire fence less than six feet above the ground and within three feet of a public sidewalk or way;
(L) All dangerous, unguarded machinery in any public place, or so situated or operated on private property as to attract the public;
(M) Waste water cast upon or permitted to flow upon streets or other public properties;
(N) Accumulations in the open of discarded or disused machinery, household appliances, automobile bodies or other material in a manner conducive to the harboring of rats, mice, snakes or vermin, or the rank growth of vegetation among the items so accumulated, or in a manner creating fire, health or safety hazards from accumulation;
(O) Any well, hole or similar excavation which is left uncovered or in another condition as to constitute a hazard to any child or other person coming on the premises where it is located;
(P) Obstruction to the free flow of water in a natural waterway or a public street drain, gutter or ditch with trash of other materials;
(Q) The placing or throwing on any street, sidewalk or other public property of any glass, tacks, nails, bottles or other substance which may injure any person or animal or damage any pneumatic tire when passing over the substance;
(R) The depositing of garbage or refuse on a public right-of-way or on adjacent private property;
(S) Reflected glare or light from private exterior lighting exceeding 0.5 footcandles as measured on the property line of the property where the lighting is located when abutting any residential parcel, and one (1) footcandle when abutting any commercial or industrial parcel.
(T) All other conditions or things which are likely to cause injury to the person or property of anyone.
(U) (1) Noises prohibited.
(a) Any distinctly and loudly audible noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, safety, or welfare of any person, or precludes their enjoyment of property, or affects their property’s value in such a manner as to be plainly audible at the boundary of the real property, building, structure, or residence from which the noise originates, or at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. (this general prohibition is not limited by any specific restrictions provided in this ordinance). “Plainly audible” is defined as sound that can be detected by a person using their unaided hearing faculties.
(b) All obnoxious noises, motor vehicle or otherwise, in violation of Minn. Rules. Ch. 7030, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby incorporated into this ordinance by reference.
(c) The use of any vehicle so out of repair or so loaded as to create loud and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling, or other noise.
(d) The discharging of the exhaust or permitting the discharge of the exhaust of any statutory internal combustion engine, motor boat, motor vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), snowmobile, or any recreational device, except through a muffler or other device that effectively prevents loud or explosive noises therefrom and complies with all applicable state laws and regulations.
(e) Any loud or excessive noise in the loading, unloading, or unpacking of any vehicle.
(f) The use or operation, or permitting the use or operation, of any radio receiving set, television set, musical instrument, music device, paging system, machine, or other device for producing or reproduction of sound in a distinctly and loudly audible manner so as to disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of any person nearby.
(2) Hourly restriction of certain operations.
(a) Domestic power equipment. No person shall operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill or other similar domestic power maintenance equipment except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on any weekday or between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday. Snow removal equipment is exempt from this provision.
(b) Refuse hauling. No person shall collect or remove garbage or refuse in any residential district except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on any weekday or between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday.
(c) Construction activities. No person shall engage in or permit construction activities involving the use of any kind of electric, diesel, or gas-powered machine or other power equipment except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on any weekday or between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday.
(d) Radios, music devices, paging systems, and the like. The operation of any device referred to in subdivision (1) (f) between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in a manner so as to be plainly audible at the property line of the structure or building in which it is located, or at a distance of 50 feet if the source is located outside a structure or building shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
(3) Noise impact statements. The Council may require any person applying for a change in zoning classification or a permit or license for any structure, operation, process, installation or alteration or project that may be considered a potential noise source to submit a noise impact statement on a form prescribed by the Council. It shall evaluate each such statement and take its evaluation into account in approving or disapproving the license or permit applied for or the zoning change requested.
Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Declaration of nuisance. The outside parking and storage on residentially-zoned property of large numbers of vehicles and vehicles, materials, supplies or equipment not customarily used for residential purposes in violation of the requirements set forth below is declared to be a public nuisance because it (a) obstructs views on streets and private property, (b) creates cluttered and otherwise unsightly areas, (c) prevents the full use of residential streets for residential parking, (d) introduces commercial advertising signs into areas where commercial advertising signs are otherwise prohibited, (e) decreases adjoining landowners' and occupants' enjoyment of their property and neighborhood, and (f) otherwise adversely affects property values and neighborhood patterns.
(B) Unlawful parking and storage.
(1) A person must not place, store, or allow the placement or storage of ice fishing houses, skateboard ramps, playhouses or other similar non-permanent structures outside continuously for longer than 24 hours in the front-yard area of residential property unless more than 100 feet back from the front property line.
(2) A person must not place, store, or allow the placement or storage of pipe, lumber, forms, steel, machinery, or similar materials, including all materials used in connection with a business, outside on residential property, unless shielded from public view by an opaque cover or fence.
(3) A person must not cause, undertake, permit or allow the outside parking and storage of vehicles on residential property unless it complies with the following requirements:
(a) No more than four vehicles per lawful dwelling unit may be parked or stored anywhere outside on residential property, except as otherwise permitted or required by the city because of nonresidential characteristics of the property. This maximum number does not include vehicles of occasional guests who do not reside on the property.
(b) Vehicles that are parked or stored outside in the front-yard area must be on a paved or graveled parking surface or driveway area.
(c) Vehicles, watercraft and other articles stored outside on residential property must be owned by a person who resides on that property. Students who are away at school for periods of time but still claim the property as their legal residence will be considered residents on the property.
Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Declaration of a nuisance. Any motor vehicles described in this section shall constitute a hazard to the health and welfare of the residents of the community as such vehicles can harbor noxious diseases, furnish a shelter and breeding place for vermin, and present physical danger to the safety and well-being of children and citizens. Motor vehicles also contain various fluids which, if released into the environment, can and do cause significant health risks to the community.
(B) It shall be unlawful to keep, park, store or abandon any motor vehicle which is not in operating condition, partially dismantled, used for repair of parts or as a source of repair or replacement parts for other vehicles, kept for scrapping, dismantling, or salvage of any kind, or which is not properly licensed for operation with the state, pursuant to M.S. 168.B,11, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.
(C) This section does not apply to a motor vehicle enclosed in a building and/or kept out of view from any street, road or alley, and which does not foster complaint from a resident of the city. A privacy fence is permissible.
Penalty, see § 92.99