The following standards shall regulate the existence of conditionally permitted uses within the Village:
   (a)   In the case of group housing or other multi-family dwelling structures the lot size and lot frontage requirements may be reduced providing that the net residential population density shall not exceed that indicated in the purpose of that district in which the proposed group housing district is to be located.
   (b)   All structures, except minor structures such as utility poles and meters, and activity areas shall be located at least 100 feet from all property lines.
   (c)   Loudspeakers which cause a hazard or annoyance shall not be permitted.
   (d)   Recreational facilities shall be provided as deemed necessary in the opinion of the Planning Commission.
   (e)   All points of entrance or exit shall be located no closer than 100 feet from the intersection of two major streets.
   (f)   There shall be no more than one directional advertisement oriented to each abutting road identifying the activity.
   (g)   No lighting shall constitute a nuisance and in no way shall lighting impair the safe movement of traffic on any street or highway.
   (h)   The structures designated in Section 1145.02(e) shall be located on a secondary or minor street.
   (i)   The structures designated in Section 1145.02(a), (b), (e) and (f) and Section 1153.03(b) shall be located on major thoroughfares or at intersections or major and/or secondary thoroughfares.
   (j)   The structures designated in Section 1145.03(e) and Section 1153.03(b) shall be located adjacent to nonresidential uses such as churches, parks, utility stations, industrial or commercial districts.
   (k)   Recreational uses shall not require costly or uneconomic extensions of utility services at the expense to the community.
   (l)   All site plans for group housing developments and apartment houses shall be approved by the Planning Commission and authorized by Council.
   (m)   All permitted installations shall be maintained in a neat, orderly condition so as to prevent injury to any single property, and individual or to the community in general.
   (n)   Such uses shall be permitted under the following conditions:
      (1)   Such facilities shall be located at the extremity of the business district so as not to interfere with the pedestrian interchange between stores in the district, and provided further that it would not limit expansion of the pedestrian oriented facilities.
      (2)   Such facilities shall be for the purpose of servicing motor vehicles under one and one-half tons rated capacity, excluding the dispensing of fuel and lubricants, cooling system and ignition service, sale and installation of batteries, lamps, fan belts, spark plugs, tires, and accessories not requiring a change in the chassis, body or engine of the vehicle, and the repairing of flat tires, which shall be allowed regardless of vehicle tonnage.
      (3)   All activities, except those required to be performed at the fuel pumps, and car washing shall be carried on inside a building; if work is performed on a vehicle, such vehicle shall be entirely within a building.
      (4)   No more than two driveway approaches shall be permitted directly from any thoroughfare, each of which shall not exceed thirty feet in width at the property line.
      (5)   If the property fronts on two or more streets, the driveways shall be located as far from the street intersection as practicable.
      (6)   A six inch high pedestrian safety curb shall be installed along all street lines except at driveway approaches.
   (o)   The standards shown in the following table shall be the minimum dwelling unit floor space standards for apartments in the R-2 Residential District.
Number of Bedrooms
Living Room (sq. ft.)
Dining Space (sq. ft.)
Bath Room (sq. ft.)
Closet Space (sq. ft.)
Utility Space (sq. ft.)
First Bedroom (sq. ft.)
Second Bedroom (sq. ft.)
Third Bedroom (sq. ft.)
Variations of twenty percent (20%) of the above listed floor space requirements are allowable as long as the total square feet of floor area of the dwelling unit equals the total square footage of the rooms required in the above table for the applicable number of bedrooms.
(Ord. 497-02-09. Passed 2-3-09.)