(a)   Auditorium, stadium and similar uses
One for each four seats based on maximum seating capacity
(b)   Bed and breakfasts
One for each guest room
Two for the resident family
One for every 100 sq. ft. of
floor area for any restaurant operation
(c)   Business and professional offices and banks
One for each 200 square feet of floor area
(d)   Bowling alleys
Four for each alley plus one space for each two employees
(e)   Churches and school auditoriums
One for each four seats in principal auditorium, based on maximum seating capacity
(f)   Clubs and lodges
One per 200 square feet of floor area or one per four seating spaces in assembly room
(g)   Dance halls and skating rinks
One per 100 square feet of floor area
(h)   Dwellings, one- and two-family
Two parking spaces for each dwelling unit
(i)   Dwelling, multi-family
1.3 spaces for each dwelling unit
(j)   Funeral homes and mortuaries
Two per chapel room or parlor or one per 100 square feet of floor area of rooms used for services, whichever is greater.
(k)   Hospitals, health or medical centers of clinics
    Bed establishments
One parking space for each three beds
   Non-bed establishments
One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(l)   Hotels
One parking space for each sleeping room
(m)   Medical and dental offices clinics
Five for each physician or dentist plus one for each two other employees.
(n)   Manufacturing plants
Two spaces per three employees with the total number being the total number of employees on any two consecutive shifts having the largest number of employees
(o)   Restaurants
One per every 100 sq. ft. of floor area
(p)   Retail stores, supermarkets, etc.
One for each 200 square feet of floor area
(q)   Theaters
One for each four seats
(Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)