Applications for construction permits shall be submitted upon forms to be provided by the Village in a format to be determined by the Village and shall be accompanied by drawings, plans and specifications in sufficient detail to demonstrate, as applicable:
(a) That the facilities will be constructed or maintained, or the public way excavated, in accordance with all applicable codes, rules and regulations.
(b) The location and route of all facilities to be installed on existing utility poles.
(c) The location and route of all facilities to be located under the surface of the ground, including the line and grade proposed for the burial at all points along the public ways. Some method of locating and identifying the facility during future construction activities shall be installed with the facilities, such as magnetic and fluorescent tape placed at a minimum of one foot to a maximum of two feet above the entire facility.
(d) The location of all existing underground facilities within the public ways within which the applicant proposes to install facilities.
(e) The location of all other facilities to be constructed within the Village, but not within the public ways.
(f) The construction methods to be employed for protection of existing structures, fixtures and facilities within or adjacent to the public ways.
(g) The location, dimension and types of all trees within or adjacent to the public ways along the route proposed by the applicant, together with a landscape plan for protection, trimming, removing, replacing and restoring any trees or areas to be disturbed during construction.
(Ord. 106-01-99. Passed 1-26-99.)