Except as herein permitted, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate an RMV in the city under the following circumstances:
   (A)   On private property without the express permission to do so by the owner and occupant of the property;
   (B)   On public school grounds, park property, playgrounds, winter recreational areas, golf courses, cemeteries or any other public places, except on posted "Snowmobile Trail" locations, unless the operator has the express permission by the proper public authority. The only exception to the prohibition is student enrolled and attending Milaca School District Schools may drive snowmobiles across Rec Park (directly from the Snowmobile Trail to their school) when arriving to school at the beginning of the school day and leaving school at the end of the school day;
   (C)   No RMV shall be operated on public sidewalks or boulevards;
   (D)   On the portion of any public road right-of-way used for motor vehicle travel or the roadway of a state, trunk, county state aid or county highway, except that a city street may be used only to gain access to and from those areas not restricted by this subchapter. Except where prohibited by state statutes or other provisions of this subchapter, RMVs may also be operated upon the ditch bottom or outside of trunk, county state aid and county highways where such highways lie within the corporate limits of the city;
   (E)   No RMV shall enter any intersection without yielding the right-of-way to any vehicles or pedestrians at the intersection or so close to the intersection as to constitute an immediate hazard;
   (F)   The operator of an RMV shall make every effort to be visible to oncoming traffic from any direction;
   (G)   Only the operator of the RMV shall be on the vehicle. No RMV shall be operated with any additional passengers except, as provided by state statutes, a parent or guardian may operate an ATV carrying one passenger who is under 16 years of age and who wears a safety helmet approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety.
(Ord. 371, passed 11-15-07; Am. Ord. 452, passed 7-18-19) Penalty, see § 73.99