(A)   Any nonconforming sign now existing in this municipality which violates the provisions of this subchapter may not be:
      (1)   Improved or upgraded in any manner, beyond normal repair and maintenance, which may extend the useful life of the sign or sign structure. The Building Inspector shall determine if the repair or maintenance qualifies under this section, and his or her determination may be appealed to the City Council;
      (2)   Changed to another nonconforming sign or sign structure by means of changing the design, shape, or lighting;
         (a)   Relamping is permitted provided that no change is made in the color, shape, shielding, or intensity of the light.
         (b)   Painting of the sign and sign structure is permitted provided that no change is made in shape, size, design, or reflectiveness of the sign or sign structure.
      (3)   Enlarged or expanded in any way;
      (4)   Relocated unless the sign and sign structure will then conform to all other provisions of this subchapter;
      (5)   Repaired, rehabilitated, or re-established after damage or destruction amounting to 50%of the fair market value as determined by the Building Inspector;
      (6)   Re-established after discontinuance or abandonment of the sign for one year or where the business advertised on the sign has permanently ceased operation for one year or more; or
      (7)   Continued for a period of more than one year after a change in the effective control of:
         (a)   The land and/or building upon which the sign is located; or
         (b)   The business to which the sign relates.
   (B)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      EFFECTIVE CONTROL. The control exercised over property by a business proprietor, whether as owner or lessee, or by an owner or lessee of other property.
(Ord. 310, passed 2-18-93) Penalty, see § 10.99