(a)   Site planning efforts must preserve natural vegetative areas, to the maximum extent possible through the placement of buildings, streets, and parking areas.
   (b)   Tree preservation is required in the BC District as follows:
      (1)   All deciduous trees measuring at least a six inches DBH shall be preserved unless such trees are exempted as follows:
         A.   Trees within public rights-of-way or utility easements, or a temporary construction easement.
         B.   Trees within the building footprint of proposed structures or within 12 feet from the perimeter of such structures.
         C.   Trees that are damaged, diseased, over mature, which interfere with utility lines or are an inappropriate or undesirable species for that specific location.
         D.   Trees removed for necessary drainage purposes.
         E.   Trees within required vehicular use areas that cannot be preserved for use as required landscaping.
      (2)   Preserved trees may be credited toward overall tree density and buffering requirements as follows:
         A.   < 6" DBH = 0 trees
         B.   6" - 8" DBH tree = 1 tree
         C.   8" - 12" DBH tree = 2 trees
         D.   12" - 18" DBH tree = 3 trees
         E.   19" - 24" DBH tree = 4 trees
         F.   > 25" DBH tree = 5 trees
      (3)   Trees to be credited toward buffering requirements must be located in the required buffer area.
      (4)   Trees designated to be preserved must be indicated on the plans submitted with the application by establishing tree preservation zones. The boundaries of the zone must be located at the drip line of the trees and marked clearly with fencing and signage. No construction activity, including grading, stacking materials, parking construction equipment or construction traffic is permitted within a tree preservation zone.
(Ord. O2018-02, passed 2-20-2018)