(a)   Any person interested may petition the City Council to modify the urban renewal plan adopted for a project area. Such petition shall be in writing and shall state in detail the modification desired. Upon receipt of such petition, the City Council shall refer it to the City Planning Commission for its recommendation. The City Planning Commission shall either approve or disapprove the modification and return the petition to the City Council, together with its recommendation.
   (b)   In the event the proposed modification contemplates an extension of the project area, the City Council shall, before considering it, hold a public hearing thereon, at which an opportunity shall be provided for all persons interested to be heard, either in person or by counsel. Notice of such hearing shall be given in the manner prescribed in § 1205.07. The City Council may either approve or reject the proposed modification by a majority vote unless the modification has been disapproved by the Planning Commission, in which case it shall be approved only by a two-thirds vote of the members. If the proposed modification is adopted, it shall become a part of the urban renewal plan. In the event the City has sold or exchanged real property in the area prior to the adoption of the proposed modification and the modification directly affects any parcel so sold or exchanged, the City Council shall not change or modify the plan unless the written consent of the owner of such property has first been obtained.
(Ord. 3801, passed 4-4-1962)