(a)   No person shall, except with the written consent of the City Manager, pass or distribute handbills, cards, papers, posters, placards, written or printed, designed and used for the purpose of advertising goods, wares and merchandise or any other advertising literature, or throw the same into any automobile, wagon or other vehicle, whether such vehicle is upon a street or other public place in the City or upon private property, or pass the same from hand to hand to any person upon a street or in any other public place in the City. This division shall not apply to magazines, newspapers or any publication distributed by United States mail.
   (b)   The written permission of the City Manager required in division (a) hereof shall only be granted after an application in writing is filed with the City Manager by the person seeking such permission.
   (c)   No person shall employ, hire or cause to be hired or employed any person to distribute handbills, papers, cards, placards, printed or written, designed or used for the advertisement of goods, wares and merchandise in violation of any of the provisions of this section.
   (d)   No person shall throw, drop, discard or place handbills, cards, papers, posters, placards, written or printed, designed and used for the purpose of advertising goods, wares and merchandise, or any other advertising literature, or any other handbills, cards, papers, posters and placards upon any of the streets or other public places in the City.
(Ord. 3251, passed 11-7-1956)