The Chief of Police may, upon discovery of a violation of this chapter, or on any of the same grounds listed in § 805.08(b) for denial of the permit, including any such grounds arising or discovered after the issuance of a permit, set a public revocation hearing to be conducted before the Board not later than 15 working days after the notice of the violation to the permittee. The Chief of Police shall promptly notify the permittee in writing of the date and time of the public hearing and the grounds for revocation. At the public hearing the Board shall allow the permittee to present evidence regarding the alleged violation. Pursuant to the notice and at the conclusion of the hearing the Board may dismiss or sustain the allegations. The Board may revoke the permit upon a finding of a violation of these regulations. The Board will publicly announce the decision and will direct the Chief of Police to notify the permittees of the decision by certified mail, mailed within three working days of the close of the hearing.
(Ord. O2007-18, passed 2-20-2007)