§ 204.02 COAT OF ARMS.
   There is hereby established a City coat of arms, which shall consist of a shield, in the form of a circle surrounded by a solid corona. The outer portion of the circle shall consist of a white circular band containing the words “City of Middletown, Ohio.” In the foreground or inner circle shall appear such equal parts of three circles as will fit within such inner circle when placed in juxtaposition therein with an interval of space between the arc of each part-circle. Each part-circle shall be white and the interval between such part-circles shall be solid. Within the top left part-circle shall appear the three diamonds which signify the steel industry. Within the top right part-circle shall appear a pine tree, the symbol of the paper and pulp industry. Within the bottom part-circle shall appear a globe, symbolic of Miami University, as the same appears upon the shield of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
(Ord. 4121, passed 12-7-1964)