General Provisions
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Depositing waste and other substances in public places prohibited
50.03 Depositing waste upon property of another without consent prohibited
50.04 Duty of drivers to prevent and clean up spillage
50.05 Commercial vehicles to comply with town rules
50.06 Haulers
50.061 Exclusion for commercial haulers
50.07 Enforcement
Mandatory Recycling
50.20 Authority
50.21 Implementation
50.22 Recycling Coordinator
50.23 Residential recycling
50.24 Public events
50.25 Ownership of recyclables
Pay-As-You-Throw Collection
50.41 Introduction
50.42 Application
50.43 Obligations of PAYT contractor
50.44 Obligations of residents
50.45 Containers
50.99 Penalty
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BULKY WASTE. Solid waste larger than two feet by two feet by two feet or heavier than 75 pounds. BULKY WASTE includes so-called "white goods," such as refrigerators, stoves, and other heavy appliances; sofas and chairs; mattresses and box springs; carpet no larger than four feet wide and 12 feet in length and rolled up; and building demolition materials generated by the resident. Pieces of wood must be cut to four feet or less and tied into bundles weighing less than 50 pounds. Doors to refrigerators and freezers must be removed.
COMMERCIAL HAULERS. Those haulers who do not provide daily residential pickup of waste or recyclables from residences in the town, but rather, only provide a commercial service to businesses in the form of dumpster service, roll-off type service or other similar services.
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Any waste defined in the state Hazardous Waste Management Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-19.1-4, or in regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and as they may be amended.
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. Solid waste generated by the residents of Middletown in the course of their daily living, the disposal of which the Town Council has undertaken in the discharge of its duties to protect the health of the municipality. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE does not include solid waste
generated by residents of a municipality in the course of their employment or that generated by any manufacturing or commercial enterprise.
PAYT CONTRACTOR. The waste removal company that is under contract with the town and is responsible for collecting and properly disposing of various kinds of waste and recyclable materials generated by residents in the PAYT program.
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. All recyclables accepted by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC), including paper and cardboard; glass and plastic bottles, jars and jugs; and tin, aluminum and scrap metal. This definition incorporates by reference the complete list of residential recyclables published by RIRRC in brochures and on its website,
RESIDENT. Any person, corporation or other business entity, church, nonprofit institution, or other organization or group residing or having a place of business or operation within the corporate limits of the town.
WASTE. All trash, rubbish, garbage, offal and other refuse or discarded matter, including cigarette butts; provided, that WASTE shall not include recognized byproducts of any business or industry having commercial value and regularly handled in the ordinary course of business.
YARD WASTE. Leaves, grass clippings, vine cuttings, and tree trimmings not greater than two inches in diameter or four feet in length.
('73 Code, § 10-1) (Ord. passed 7-15-57; Am. Ord. passed 11-3-03; Am. Ord. passed 9-4-07; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-07)
No person shall throw or pour, or in any way deposit, place or cause to be placed, any filth, offal, brine, dirty water, dirt, rubbish or other offensive substance of any description, or any other waste whatsoever, or any sand, gravel, stone, paper, sawdust or shavings, or any refuse, animal, marine or vegetable matter of any kind, in any street, commonage, beach, watercourse or other public place in the town.
('73 Code, § 10-2) (Ord. passed 1-15-17; Am. Ord. passed 9-4-07; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
Statutory reference:
Deposit of debris on Middletown beaches prohibited, see R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-44-19
No person shall deposit waste upon the property of another person, or in a waste container of another person, without the latter's express permission to do so; nor shall any person deposit waste upon any vacant lot, regardless of the ownership of such vacant lot.
('73 Code, § 10-3) (Ord. passed 7-15-17; Am. Ord. passed 9-4-07; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) It shall be the duty of every person driving or in charge of any vehicle while such vehicle is transporting any quantity of waste or other cargo to stow and secure such cargo in such manner as to prevent the spilling or blowing of any portion thereof from the vehicle onto the ground. If spillage occurs, the driver or other person in control shall ensure that it is cleaned up without delay.
(B) Every person driving any earth-moving or hauling vehicle shall remove any loam, gravel, stones or other material which falls or spills from said vehicle onto any street or highway and which causes or is likely to cause an obstruction or hazard to vehicular traffic.
('73 Code, § 10-4) (Ord. passed 5-20-81; Am. Ord. passed 9-4-07; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-07) Penalty, see § 50.99