A.   Minimum Improvements: The owner or subdivider shall construct the following improvements for the subdivision/development according to the Middleton Comprehensive Plan Transportation, Schools and Recreation map, Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction, (ISPWC) and the Middleton supplement to the ISPWC.
      1.   Subdivisions in an R-1 Zone: Local roadway, sidewalks, and street lighting are not required. A minimum of three-car garage is required on each residential lot.
      2.   Subdivisions in an R-2 Zone: Local roadway sidewalks and street lighting are not required, if all residential lots are at least one-half (½) acre in size. A minimum three-car garage is required on each residential lot.
      3.   Subdivisions in an R-3 Zone: Curb, gutter, sidewalks, and streetlights are required. A minimum two-car garage is required on each residential lot.
      4.   Roads, Curbs And Gutters: Roads and portions of roads constructed to finished grade with approved centerline monuments to be set to the road surface by a registered professional land surveyor; improved with asphalt plant mix and combination of concrete curb and gutter, or alternate road section as approved by the City. Roads, rights-of-way and associated improvements shall be extended to the property boundary providing connectivity and orderly growth as directed by the City
      5.   Sidewalks, Pathways, Bicycle Lanes, 2and Greenbelt:
         a.   Five-foot (5') wide concrete sidewalks abutting the curb on both sides of the road, unless otherwise approved by the City;
         b.   For pathways not located along a road, the pathway shall be eight-foot (8') wide asphalt and situated on a twelve foot (12') wide public access easement or dedicated to the City if part of the Transportation, Schools & Recreation Map, unless otherwise approved by the City;
         c.   Six-foot (6') wide bicycle lanes on both sides of the road, unless otherwise approved by the City; and
         d.   If a greenbelt pathway, the pathway shall be a twelve-foot (12') wide asphalt pathway, located on a minimum twenty foot (20') wide common lot subject to a public access easement, or dedicated to the city for public access.
      6.   Stormwater Disposal: The management of stormwater shall conform with the City stormwater management policy (section 5-4-10-9 of this chapter).
      7.   Utilities: The extension of utilities, including power distribution lines, shall be underground and at the developer’s expense, and shall have the capacity and placement necessary to serve land located beyond the project site. Developer is responsible for construction of utilities to and through Developer’s project site as determined by the City.
      8.   Sanitary Sewer System: Connection to City sewer is required. Approval of the subdivision shall be based on treatment capabilities, such as density requirements, the need for entirely new systems and other treatment possibilities that are in harmony with officially recognized practices of the City.
      9.   Domestic Water System:
         a.   Connection to City water is required. Water hookups shall be allowed only within the City limits unless approved by the Council upon recommendation of the City Engineer.
         b.   If the City requires a larger water main to accommodate future development than the size of line required by the City for the subdivision/development, the developer shall install the larger line size required by the City.
         c.   Four inch (4") blowoffs for water lines shall be required at the terminus of all dead end main lines unless a standard fire hydrant is available at the terminus.
      10.   Monuments: Monuments shall be set in accordance with Idaho Code section 50-1303. For each subdivision phase or development, any portion of which is located within a regulated floodplain, one elevation monument setting forth the elevation and datum shall be located within a monument box, as well as identified on the record drawings. The location of the monument shall be approved by the City Engineer.
      11.   Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall be installed by the subdivider in locations specified by the City, every six hundred feet (600'), or as determined by the Fire Code and the Middleton Rural Fire District.
      12.   Road Name Signs: Road name signs shall be installed in the appropriate locations at each road intersection. Cost of road signs shall be the responsibility of the developer and the signs shall be installed to City specifications.
      13.   Streetlights: Streetlights shall be required to be installed by the subdivider/developer at the intersections, cul-de-sacs, at approximately every four hundred feet (400'), and where the City deems necessary throughout the subdivision/development. All costs to install streetlights and poles shall be borne by the developer.
      14.   Service Connections: All service connections for sanitary sewer and domestic water shall be installed to the property line before placing base gravel for the road.
      15.   Irrigation Improvements: A pressure irrigation system shall be provided. All irrigation structures, lines and drain lines except mains used for stormwater management shall be located or relocated out of the road right-of- way. City water may not be used for irrigation supply unless specifically approved by the City.
      16.   Perimeter Fence: Developers of residential subdivisions shall install a six-foot (6') fence along the perimeter of each phase of the subdivision by the time the City signs the final plat for that phase.
      17.   Monument Signs at Entrances: Obtain a sign permit from the City and construct a monument-type sign at subdivision entrances from public roads.
      18.   On Site And Off Site Improvements: On-site and off-site improvements of any of the above are required where it is deemed necessary to properly serve the proposed development or protect the integrity of the usefulness of existing off-site improvements or utilities.
   B.   Inspections:
      1.   Appropriate agencies, departments, the City and/or others shall inspect or cause to be inspected improvements such as buildings, public utilities and infrastructure, in the course of construction, installation or repair. Excavations shall not be covered or backfilled until such installations have been inspected. If any such installation is covered before being inspected and approved, it shall be uncovered after notice to uncover has been issued by the City to the responsible person.
      2.   The owner and/or subdivider shall retain a full time licensed professional engineer or licensed construction manager who shall supervise the construction inspection, certify that all improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved improvement drawings and City standards and furnish the City two (2) hard copies and one electronic PDF copy of the certified as built improvement drawings and construction logs complete with ties to all water valves and service connections.
      3.   The City shall be notified when construction begins on any of the improvements listed and prior to performing utility line pressure tests. Any improvements deemed unsatisfactory by the City Engineer shall be corrected at the subdivider's expense.
(Ord. 609, 7-3-2018; amd. Ord. 620, - -2019; Ord. 633, 9-16-2020; Ord. 659, 1-19-2022)