A stormwater management plan shall be prepared addressing both construction and postconstruction control of stormwater. The introductory comments, general stormwater requirements, control method requirements, stormwater Best Management Practices and plans to improve stormwater quality shall be detailed.
A. When possible, retention and detention facilities should be designed as open surface facilities for multiuse. (Ord. 568, 12-21-2015; amd. Ord. 609, 7-3-2018)
B. A plan for operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the facility shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. Grease and sediment traps and catch basin inserts shall not be used alone to treat stormwater runoff, but rather in combination with other BMPs to improve water quality. For grease and sediment traps, sand filters and other maintenance intensive facilities, a life cycle cost, including cost of replacement, shall be submitted and will be considered by the City as a part of the process of deciding on acceptance or nonacceptance of that option. Generally, for facilities requiring City maintenance, an option with least postconstruction life cycle cost is preferred by the City. (Ord. 600, 12-20-2017; amd. Ord. 609, 7-3-2018)
C. Retention facilities which incorporate absorption trenches and subsurface infiltration elements for stormwater management shall conform to Idaho Code title 42, chapter 39, and to the Idaho Department of Water Resources Rules for Waste Disposal and Injection Wells.
D. Preconstruction erosion and sedimentation control methods must be installed or otherwise in effect prior to any site disturbance. (Ord. 568, 12-21-2015; amd. Ord. 609, 7-3-2018)