(a)   Appointment of Standing Committees. The following Standing Committees are hereby authorized. Appointment of members to such committees shall be made by the Mayor, and the first named to each committee shall be Chair of that committee.
      (1)   Finance and Ordinance Committee. Such committee, consisting of three members of Council, shall maintain general oversight of budgetary matters, shall review and approve all expenditures and make recommendation to Council for payment, shall review all matters concerning the acquisition, lease or sale of any property owned or controlled by the Village, shall review newly introduced legislation requests to determine any discrepancy or conflict which may exist with present Ordinances and make recommendations to Council.
      (2)   Public Safety Committee. Such committee, consisting of three members, shall be charged with the oversight of safety concerns within the Village, it shall make recommendations to Council concerning wages of the Police Department, it shall review all proposed ordinances concerning safety and make recommendations to Council, to review legislation pertaining thereto and make recommendations to Council.
         (Ord. 05-106. Passed 12-15-05.)
      (3)   Streets, Sidewalks, and Utilities Committee. Such committee, which shall include the Mayor and two members of Council, shall review all matters concerning the construction or reconstruction of or on streets or highways, treelawns or sidewalks, shall review all matters concerning the construction or reconstruction of Village utilities, the operation of utilities, and make recommendations to Council regarding the same, and as provided more fully by Section 902.01 and shall oversee the operation of the Middlefield Cemetery as provided more fully by Chapter 945.
         (Ord. 16-118. Passed 7-14-16.)
      (4)   Recreation and Parks Committee. Such committee, consisting of two members of Council and the Mayor, shall act in an advisory capacity to the Recreation Director with respect to all recreation activities in the Village and all financial matters related thereto, and shall make recommendations to Council regarding the maintenance, development and use of Village parks. (Ord. 05-106. Passed 12-15-05.)
      (5)   Economic Development Committee. Such committee, consisting of two members of Council and the Mayor, and three members of the general public from the Village appointed by the Mayor, shall review all matters concerning the promotion of new commercial and industrial development within the Village as well as preservation and enhancement of current commercial and industrial businesses within the Village and may make recommendations to Council regarding same. The Economic Development Director shall serve as a non-voting member of the Economic Development Committee, and shall attend all of its meetings.
         (Ord. 14-127. Passed 7-10-14.)
      (6)   Development Loan Review Committee. Such committee shall administer the Local Revolving Loan Fund and shall consist of the Mayor, two members of Council, at least one member of the Economic Development Committee, the Solicitor and two financial advisors, both of whom shall have financial background and training. Said committee members may also sit on the Economic Development Committee.
         (Ord. 22-106. Passed 1-13-22.)
   (b)   Special Committees. The Mayor may appoint such special committees as the Mayor deems necessary providing that matters referred to or pending before a standing committee may not without consent of its members be referred to or considered by a special committee.
   (c)   Committee of the Whole. The President of Council shall preside when Council resolves itself into the Committee of the Whole. These rules of Council shall govern the Committee of the Whole except that no limit shall be placed on time or frequency of speaking and that the previous question cannot be moved. All questions shall be decided by a majority vote of those members present. When this committee arises, any measure, together with any amendments thereto, reported out, shall receive the immediate consideration of Council unless otherwise ordered placed on the calendar.
   (d)   Work Sessions. The Mayor or the Chairman of a standing committee of Council may convene a “work session” at any time with the full Council, the Mayor and all department heads present. This meeting shall be specifically for dissemination of information concerning Village employees, related community projects or litigation and be advertised in appropriate local newspapers as prescribed by the Ohio Revised Code. (Such “work session” may be called at least one time per calendar quarter.)
   (e)   Meetings. Unless Council elects to conduct Committee Meetings by holding a regularly scheduled Council Work Session, as provided in Section 121.01 (d), each Committee shall decide by majority vote not later than the first regular Council meeting in February the date and time of a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Such meeting can be canceled by agreement of a majority of the Committee members, if deemed not necessary.
   (f)   Quorum. A majority of members of a committee shall constitute a quorum.
   (g)   Temporary Committee Chair. In the absence of the Chair, the member named next shall act as Temporary Chair.
   (h)   Reports. Committee reports shall be in writing and shall be agreed to by a majority thereof, provided that any member is entitled to prepare a minority report and present it to Council. All documents referred to the committee shall be returned to Council with the report of the committee. Upon motion and by a majority vote, Council may relieve a committee of further consideration of any question and order it placed on the calendar. When any matter is referred to a committee with instructions to report at a time named in the order of reference, failure to report at such time shall be considered as if reported back without recommendation, unless the time for report is extended by Council. If no such extension is granted, the committee shall forthwith return to the Fiscal Officer the documents pertaining thereto and the matter shall take its appropriate place on the calendar.
(Ord. 05-106. Passed 12-15-05.)