(a)   Bulk water may be sold by the truckload by the Village in accordance with the procedures established by the Village Manager at the rate of one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the rate established in Section 911.08 for commercial and industrial use based upon a three-inch meter size. There shall be a minimum charge of 1,000 gallons.
(Ord. 09-144. Passed 11-19-09.)
   (b)   No person shall take water without consent of the Village Administrator, including water from a hydrant. In the event water is taken from a hydrant without consent of the Village Administrator, charges shall be assessed against the perpetrator in accordance with subsection (a) above. A violation of this provision is a misdemeanor, for which the fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars and imprisonment shall not exceed six months.
(Ord. 10-124. Passed 10-7-10.)
   (c)   The Village reconfirms their mutual aid agreement with other local municipalities when an emergency arises.
   (d)   The Village Administrator has the authority to grant not-for-profit Village based organizations the ability to use water for special activities or events.
(Ord. 88-117. Passed 6-20-88.)