(a)   In the event the supply line of the waterworks system is not accessible as provided in Section 911.01, no spring, well or cistern (“alternative water supply”) shall be used as a source of supply for consumption or use by persons, except as follows:
      (1)   The permit holder must obtain approval for the alternative water supply from the Municipality. In addition, if the alternative water supply is to be used for potable water, the permit holder must also obtain approval from the Board of Health of Geauga County, Ohio.
      (2)   The permit holder for any alternative water supply to be used for potable water shall obtain a certificate from the Geauga County Board of Health approving the purity and suitability of such water supply, at intervals of not less than once every six months. The permit holder shall forthwith provide a copy of the certificate to the Village Administrator.
   (b)   Where an industrial user who is connected to the public water supply system desires to use an alternative water supply for irrigation or for process water for evaporative cooling, Council may, in its discretion, permit such use(s) under the following conditions:
      (1)   Permission allowing such use(s) shall be only by a revokable permit to be granted by the Council upon application from the proposed user.
      (2)   An alternative water supply for irrigation or industrial processes shall be allowed only for systems that are completely isolated from the public water supply and which do not require sanitary sewer service.
      (3)   If Council grants a conditional permit allowing for use of an alternative water supply for irrigation or industrial processes, the permit holder shall submit, not less than twice per year, to an inspection of the alternative water supply and the irrigation and/or evaporative cooling system(s).
         A.   The inspection shall be conducted at a time and date determined by the Village, without prior notice to the permit holder.
         B.   All costs for such inspection, including any charges by the inspector, shall be paid immediately by the permit holder.
            (Ord. 98-147. Passed 11-19-98.)
         C.   In the event that the inspection reveals that the alternative water supply is not completely isolated from the public water supply or that the alternative water supply violates the conditions of the permit in any respect, the permit shall immediately be revoked and the public water supply to the user shall be shut-off until the alternative water supply is eliminated to the complete satisfaction of the Village Administrator and the Director of Streets and Utilities. Any reissuance of the permit for an alternative water supply shall be at the sole discretion of Council.
            (Ord. 03-129. Passed 11-20-03.)
         D.   After a permit is issued for an alternative water supply system, no temporary connections of the isolated system to the public water supply system shall be permitted. Connection of the isolated system to the public system shall result in automatic revocation of the permit.
         E.   In the event that the permit for an alternative water supply is revoked, or if the permit holder subsequently elects to connect the isolated supply system to the public water supply system, no future permit for that alternative water supply shall be issued for that system.
      (4)   As a condition to the issuance of any permit for an alternative water supply for irrigation or industrial processes, the permit holder shall indemnify and hold the Municipality harmless for the following:
         A.   All costs incurred by the Municipality as a result of the alternative water supply, including those for inspection, enforcement and any necessary repair or corrective action; and
         B.   Any problems with or damages to the public water supply resulting from the use or misuse of the alternative water supply.
      (5)   As a further condition to the issuance of any permit for an alternative water supply for industrial processes, the permit holder shall tag or otherwise clearly label, at intervals of not more than fifteen feet, every pipe which supplies or contains water from the alternative water supply, in order to facilitate inspection by the Municipality.
      (6)   As a further condition to the issuance of any permit for an alternative water supply for industrial processes, the permit holder shall mark each internal and external faucet which is serviced by such alternative water supply with a sign stating that the faucet contains nonpotable water and is not fit for human consumption.
      (7)   No permit for an alternative water supply for irrigation or industrial processes shall be issued where the average water consumption during use will exceed forty gallons per minute.
      (8)   The Council may condition the issuance of the permit for an alternative water supply for irrigation or industrial processes on any additional conditions or limitations on use which the Council deems reasonable or necessary.
(Ord. 98-147. Passed 11-19-98.)