(a) Permitting. No attendant or valet parking operator shall provide valet parking services from a public street or right-of-way without obtaining a required permit. Once issued, permits are valid for a period of one year unless revoked or suspended sooner.
(b) Applications.
(1) A property owner, or lessee, with the written permission of the property owner, may apply for a valet parking permit by filing a completed application on a form provided by the Development Department. The permit application shall clearly identify the days of the week and the times during the day when the designated area will be used as a valet parking zone and the location and size of the valet parking zone. Additional information shall also be required which illustrates how the applicable standards of Section 458.03 will be met by the proposed valet parking zone.
(2) A duly authorized business association, special improvement district, civic association or other responsible entity acceptable to the City may apply for a valet parking zone permit for the purpose of consolidating such zones to preserve public on-street parking within a specific geographic region of the City. For example, the Miamisburg Merchants Association (MMA) may apply for a valet parking zone permit for consolidated valet parking zones within the Downtown Miamisburg area, with documented support from a majority of its membership, including all current permittees within the proposed consolidated valet parking permit zone.
(c) Staff Review.
(1) On the receipt of an application for a valet parking permit, the Development Department, with the assistance of the City Engineer and the Public Works Department and any other applicable department(s), shall determine whether the proposed location complies with this chapter and any applicable safety guidelines. Following the review of the application, the Development Department shall notify the applicant whether the proposed location complies with this chapter.
(2) Miamisburg City staff shall consider all relevant traffic engineering issues. Following the review of the application for the valet parking zone, the valet parking zone shall not be established if City finds that any of the following are true:
A. Establishing the proposed valet parking zone would create a traffic flow, traffic congestion and/or pedestrian safety problem.
B. The proposed valet parking zone is in an area already experiencing traffic congestion, and the proposed valet parking zone cannot be implemented by resolving, accommodating, or decreasing the traffic congestion problem.
C. The proposed valet parking zone is presently a restricted parking area and the City does not reveal that it is desirable to remove or change these restriction(s).
D. The implementation of the valet parking zone would considerably impact the available parking areas for adjacent businesses.
E. The proposed location of the valet parking zone cannot safely accommodate a valet parking service.
F. The Public Works and/or Engineering Departments find that adequate space for required signage does not exist at the requested location.
(d) Fees. Any fees associated with applications for valet parking zones shall be provided for in Chapter 214, Fee Schedule, of these Codified Ordinances.
(e) Approvals. Upon notification by the City of compliance of the application with this chapter, the applicant shall be issued a permit to operate the valet parking zone, subject to any applicable conditions, and the permit shall state the following:
(1) Length and width of the valet parking zone.
(2) Precise location of the valet parking zone by reference to landmarks, distance from intersections or other reasonable method.
(3) Days and times of operation.
(4) That the permit is valid for one year from the date of the issuance unless revoked sooner for the violation of the terms of the permit or this chapter.
(5) That the permit may be suspended due to construction or street closures as authorized by the City.
(6) Any applicable conditions recommended by the City for the operation of the valet parking zone.
(Ord. 6605. Passed 8-16-16.)