(a) Operations. The valet parking operator shall at all times:
(1) Staff, at its own expense, any valet services offered.
(2) Park all vehicles in a legal off-street parking lot or garage.
(3) Pay any costs related to parking in a public or private lot or garage.
(4) Pay for any damages or fines related to a motor vehicle within its control.
(5) Display a permanent valet parking sign posted by the City.
(6) Provide a portable structure to demarcate valet parking zones (e.g. street pylons, posts and roping). Structures shall be pre-approved by the City prior to utilization.
(7) Maintain insurance coverage, which lists the City as additional insured, as follows:
A. Comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum of $2,000,000 for each occurrence combined single limit bodily injury and property damage, including contractual liability and personal injury and naming the City as an additional insured.
B. Comprehensive automobile liability insurance with a minimum of $2,000,000 each occurrence combined single limit bodily injury and property damage, including owned, non-owned, and hired auto coverage and naming the City as an additional insured.
C. Garage keeper's legal liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 including coverage for fire and explosion, theft of entire motor vehicle, riot, civil commotion, collision, malicious mischief and vandalism and naming the City as an additional insured.
D. Workers' compensation coverage in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.
(8) Forever indemnify and hold harmless the City and all of its agents, employees and representatives from and against all claims, damages, losses, suits and actions, including attorney’s fees, arising or resulting from said operation of a valet parking service.
(9) Employ as an attendant only such person as:
A. Has a current driver’s license;
B. Is over 18 years of age;
C. Does not have a conviction in the previous five years for any of the following offenses: burglary, robbery, theft, receiving stolen property, vandalism, criminal damaging, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI), or driving with a prohibited concentration of alcohol in bodily substances (BAC).
D. Does not have more than six points or more on his or her operator’s license.
(10) Attendants shall at all times:
A. Wear visible identification tags with name, employee number and business name.
B. Present every patron who leaves a motor vehicle in attendant’s control a numbered receipt specifying the name of the business, the address of the business, telephone number of the business, license plate number of the motor vehicle, hours of operation of the business, lot where the motor vehicle will be parked, date and time when the motor vehicle was taken into control, and upon return of the motor vehicle to patron, time of said return.
C. Move all motor vehicles from the approved valet parking zone to a permanent parking location from which the motor vehicle can be returned within ten minutes.
D. Park all motor vehicles from the valet parking zone in a legal off-street parking lot or garage that is approved by the City.
(11) Attendants shall not park any motor vehicle from a valet parking zone in an existing on-street parking space or area.
(12) No motor vehicle shall occupy a valet parking zone for more than 20 minutes in an eight-hour period.
(13) The City may, if necessary to avoid traffic congestion or risk to the public, suspend or revoke the valet parking zone permit due to construction or street closure or if an unforeseen issue arises with the valet parking zone.
(14) The City may suspend or revoke the valet parking zone permit if, at any time, it is determined that such a zone is not being used to provide a valet parking service but as “reserved parking” or some other use by any nearby business(es).
(15) Within 30 days of the issuance of permit to operate a valet parking zone, the Public Works Department or designee shall post signs which mark the area of the valet parking zone, the days of the week and the hours of the days of operation of the valet parking zone. Such signs shall be of sufficient size, and number, and shall be situated in such location, as to apprise the ordinarily observant person of the existence of the valet parking zone. Any such signs shall have the force and effect of law until the corresponding permit expires, or is suspended or revoked by the City.
(Ord. 6605. Passed 8-16-16.)