456.01 Proclamation of emergency; notification; routes; signs; removal and impounding of vehicles.
456.02 Snow accumulation removal emergencies.
456.03 Parking during snow accumulation removal emergencies.
456.04 Removal and impounding of vehicles.
456.05 Notification policy.
456.99 Penalty.
Street obstructions and special uses - see TRAF. Ch. 412
Parking generally - see TRAF. Ch. 452
Parking meters - see TRAF. Ch. 454
Parking lots - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 646
Snow and ice on sidewalks - see GEN. OFF. 660.05
(a) When the Manager or his or her designee has reason to believe that snow has accumulated or will accumulate in such quantities as to endanger the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City, the Manager or his or her designee is hereby authorized to proclaim a snow emergency.
(b) The residents shall be notified of the declaration of a snow emergency in such manner as the Manager or his or her designee may deem appropriate.
(c) Upon declaration of a snow emergency, the following streets are designated as snow emergency routes and will be the streets that are cleared first within the City:
Alexandersville Road | Main Street (Old U.S. 25) |
Belvo Road | Manning Road |
Benner Road | Maue Road |
Byers Road | Mound Road |
Central Avenue | Pearl Street |
Cherry Hill Drive | Orchard Hill Drive (Heincke to 11th St.) |
Dunaway Street | Richard Street |
Eleventh Street | Riverview Avenue |
Fifth Street | Robin Hood Drive |
First Street | Rosina Drive |
Gebhart Church Road | Second Street |
Heincke Road | Seventh Street |
Jefferson Street | Sherwood Forest Drive |
Kercher Street | Sixth Street (Central Ave. to Kercher) |
King Richard Parkway | Soldiers Home-Miamisburg Road |
Lawrence Avenue | State Route 725 |
Linden Avenue | State Route 741 |
Leiter Road | Twelfth Street (Central to Kercher) |
Lower Miamisburg - Germantown Road | Union Road |
Lyons Road | Upper River Road |
(d) The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to designate the foregoing snow emergency routes on any official maps of the City and to appropriately place signs on such streets as snow emergency routes.
(e) All vehicles shall be removed from the snow emergency routes and if such vehicles are not removed within a two-hour time limit after the Manager or his or her designee proclaims a snow emergency, City police officers are authorized to provide for the removal and impounding of such vehicles as provided for in Section 404.07. The cost of removal and impounding such vehicles shall be borne by the owner of the vehicle. Such remedy shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 456.99.
(Ord. 5890. Passed 11-1-05.)
When the Manager or his or her designee has reason to believe that snow has or will accumulate to such an extent as to endanger the health, safety and welfare of the residents by an
accumulation of snow on streets other than those designated as snow emergency routes, the Manager or his or her designee may proclaim a snow accumulation removal emergency. The Manager or his or her designee shall notify the residents in such manner as the Manager or his or her designee may deem appropriate.
During a snow accumulation removal emergency, residents and all owners of vehicles shall, on even days, park their vehicles on the side of the street having even house numbers. On odd days all residents and owners of vehicles shall park their vehicles on the side of the street having odd house numbers.
(Ord. 2763. Passed 10-3-78.)
All vehicles parked in violation of the snow accumulation removal emergency may be removed and impounded by the City Police as provided in Section 404.07. The cost of removal and impounding of such vehicles shall be borne by the owner of the vehicle. Such remedy shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 456.99.
The Chief of Police is hereby directed to adopt a written policy to provide for notification of owners of vehicles parked in violation of this chapter prior to their being removed. However, failure to notify an owner shall not abrogate the police officer's right to cause an unauthorized vehicle to be removed and impounded.
(Ord. 2763. Passed 10-3-78.)