The territorial boundaries of the City of Mexico Beach shall be those presently existing and described as follows:
   Begin at the Northwest corner of Fractional Section 23, Township 6 South, Range 12 West, and extend a line Easterly along the line between Sections 14 and 23 for one-half mile, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the West Half of said Fractional Section 23; then Southerly along the East line of said West half for one-half mile, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the aforesaid Fractional Section 23; thence Easterly along the North line of said Southeast Quarter for one-half mile, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; then Southerly along the line between Sections 23 and 24 for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 24; thence Easterly along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; then Northerly along the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the North line of the South one-half of the aforesaid Section 24; then Easterly along said North line of the South half for one-half mile, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, then Southerly along the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter for one-quarter mile, more of less, to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; then Easterly along the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the aforesaid Section 24; thence Southerly along the East line of said Section 24 for one-quarter mile more or less, to the Northeast corner of Fractional Section 25; thence westerly along the line between Section 24 and Fractional Section 25 for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the Northeast Corner of the West Half of the East Half of said Fractional Section 25; then Southerly along the East line of the aforesaid West Half of the East Half for one-half mile, more or less, to the Northwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence Easterly along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter for one-quarter mile, more or less, to the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of Fractional Section 25; then Southerly along the East line of said Fractional Section 25 to a point on the mean high water line of the Gulf of Mexico; then South 45° West across the waters of the Gulf of Mexico for 1500 feet; thence turn right and extend a line Northwesterly that is parallel to and 1500 feet Southwesterly of the mean high water line of the Gulf of Mexico to a point that is South 11° West and 1500 feet from the Southwest Corner of Mexico Beach, Unit No. 7; thence North 11° East for 1500 feet to the mean high water line of the Gulf of Mexico at said Southwest corner of Mexico Beach, Unit No. 7; then North 16° 40’ East along the Western boundary line of said Mexico Beach, Unit No. 7 for 941 feet, more or less, to the North line of Fractional Section 22, Township 6 South, Range 12 West; thence Easterly along said line of Fractional Section 22 for one-half mile, more or less, to the point of beginning.
   The above description embraces a part of Fractional Sections 22, 23, and 25; all of Fractional Section 26; a part of Section 24 and a 1500-foot wide portion of the Gulf of Mexico lying adjacent to the above described lands, all in Township 6 South, Range 12 West, Mexico Beach, Bay County, State of Florida. (Ord. passed - -)