(A)   Booths and storage boxes used by a holder of a beach vending permit to conduct business or store items are exempt from the city’s “Leave No Trace” requirement, if they are located immediately next to a seawall or the toe of the sand dune or, if neither exists, then immediately next to a paved surface adjoining the beach.
   (B)   Wooden loungers may be left unattended on the beach overnight within the area covered by the beach vending permit only as provided by § 114.07.
   (C)   In addition, it is not a violation of the “Leave No Trace” ordinance for a holder of a beach vending permit to leave other items and equipment unattended on the beach overnight within the area covered by the beach vending permit if:
      (1)   They are typical for the type of business activities approved under the beach vending permit; and
      (2)   They are moved landward to the seawall or the toe of the sand dune or, if neither exists, then immediately next to a paved surface adjoining the beach.
(Ord. 688, passed 4-11-18; Ord. 740, passed 12-10-2019)