(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person who shall own or be in control or, in charge of any dog or cat, to allow or permit the dog or cat to wander or stray upon the property of another and damage the property.
   (B)   If any dog or cat shall wander or stray upon the property of any person within the corporate limits of the city and shall cause damage thereon, proof of the damage and the identity of the dog or cat shall be sufficient to convict the person owning or having charge of or control of the dog or cat violating the terms and provisions of this section.
   (C)   It shall be a violation for any owner of a dog or cat to allow such dog or cat to defecate on any property within the city other than the owner’s private property without immediately removing such defecation with some sort of material, utensil or suitable container and depositing the defecation in a trash container. When walking a dog or cat on any property within the city, other than the owner’s property, the owner of that dog or cat shall carry some sort of material, utensil or suitable container with which to dispose the defecation.
(Ord. 388, passed 2-13-2001) Penalty, see § 90.99