(A)   Conduct city law business. The Corporate Counsel shall supervise and conduct all the law business of the city. He or she shall have authority, when directed by the City Council, to make settlement of lawsuits and controverted claims against the city.
   (B)   Keep legal records. The Corporate Counsel shall keep in proper books to be provided for that purpose, a registrar of all actions in court, prosecuted or defended by him or her, and all proceedings had therein; such books shall, at all times, be open to the inspection of the Mayor and all members of the City Council.
   (C)   Draft ordinances. The Corporate Counsel shall draft such ordinances as may be required of him or her by the City Council, or by any committee thereof.
   (D)   Prepare official papers. The Corporate Counsel shall draw all deeds, leases, contracts or other papers required by the business of the city, when requested to do so by the Mayor, the City Council or the head of any department.
   (E)   Submit legal opinions. The Corporate Counsel shall, when requested to do so, furnish written opinions on subjects submitted to him or her by the Mayor or the City Council.
   (F)   Supervise revision of City Code. The Corporate Counsel shall have general supervision of the revision of ordinances and the insertion of general ordinances into the Metropolis City Code.
   (G)   Surrender of documents. Upon the ex-piration of his or her term of office or his or her resignation thereof, or removal therefrom, the Corporate Counsel shall forthwith on demand deliver to his or her successor in office all deeds, leases, contracts, books, and papers in his or her hands belonging to the city, or delivered to him or her by any of its officers, and all papers or information in actions, prosecuted or defended by him or her then pending and undetermined, together with his or her register thereof and the record of the proceedings therein.
(1977 Code, § 3-5-4)