Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
77-10 | 9-26-1977 | Rezoning a certain tract of land from R-1 to R-4 classification (exclusive of house trailer use). A part of the Southwest fourth of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian. |
82-5 | 2-8-1982 | Rezoning of area south of Lots 4 and 1 in Block 105 of city, from R-4 and C-2 to C-2 zone. |
82-9 | 6-14-1982 | Rezoning a certain tract of land from R-1 to R-4 classification (exclusive of house trailer use). A part of the Southwest fourth of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian. |
85-2 | 3-25-1985 | Amend zoning ordinance and rezoning tract from R-3 to R-4 classification lying on the Northeasterly side of U.S. Highway 45 and being a part of the Northwestquarter, Southwest quarter, Section 35, T15S, R4E, in the Third Principal Meridian. |
85-12 | 10-28-1985 | Changing zoning classification of lots located at 1801 through 1803 Neville is amended from R-3 to R-4 and granting a variance to Arthur Thompson for the construction of a dual unit duplex apartment building on these lots. |
86-18 | 4-14-1986 | Changing zoning classification of Lot 145 of Block 13 excepting the West 16 feet thereof, is changed from R-4 to C-2 and granting a variance to the applicant to construct improvements upon said property consistent with a C-2 classification. |
86-41 | 8-11-1986 | Amending zoning classification of a parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Fractional Section 12, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the 3rd P.M., the parcel being located on the south side of Seventh Street, West of Yasoda Street from R-4 to C-2. |
86-52 | 9-22-1986 | Amending zoning classification from R-4 to C-2 of lots described as the Westerly 55 feet of Lot 4 in Block 77 of the Second Addition to the city; Lot 3, the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 2 and the Easterly 5 feet of Lot 4 in Block 77 of the Second Addition to the city. |
87-22 | 4-13-1987 | Changing zoning classification of the Fairmount Railroad Right-of-Way property as platted and subdivided from M-2 to M-1. |
88-42 | 7-25-1988 | Granting a variance for construction of a garage with an upstairs efficiency on Lot 196 in Block 19 of the city by Russel Rhodes. |
88-43 | 7-25-1988 | Granting a variance for placement of mobile home on lot located at 113 E. 20th Street in city. |
88-50 | 9-12-1988 | Amending zoning classification of recently annexed property (Ordinance 86-17) from R-1 to R-4. |
88-52 | 9-26-1988 | Granting a variance for construction of a county jail in the city. Lots 572, 573 and 574 of the First Addition to the city, Excepting therefrom a parcel conveyed to Noah and Blanche Hinners. |
88-55 | 10-24-1988 | Granting a variance for construction of transmission tower for Wright Businesses, Inc. at 625-1/2 Ferry Street. |
89-3 | 3-13-1989 | Granting a variance for placement of mobile home on lot located at 1703 Metropolis Street in city. |
89-8 | 5-22-1989 | Amending classification of zoning of Blocks 199 through 214 of Fairmount Plat from R-1 to R-4. |
90-4 | 2-26-1990 | Rezoning a certain tract of land from R-4 to C-2 classification described as the West 60 feet of lots 10, 11, and 12 in Block 61 of the Second Addition to the city. |
90-9 | 4-23-1990 | Amending classification of zoning for the M-1 area, lying east of the Washington Street line over to Metropolis Street, will become R-4; an expansion of the C-3 district southward from its present limit at an alley South of Fifth Street to a new line at Second Street. The new easterly line of that expanded C-3 area will be a line along the western edge of Washington Street, excluding Humma Apartments and the Washington School property. The Western boundary of the new C-3 area will be the eastern edge of Market Street. |
90-19 | 8-27-1990 | Amending classification of zoning from R-1 to R-3 of the area north and east of the southwest corner of the American Legion Ballpark and lies between 15th Street and 18th Street and from Metropolis Street Eastward to include the old railroad right-of-way. |
93-24 | 7-26-1993 | The area encompassed by the boundaries of Market Street and Girard Street, from Second Street to the Ohio River, be amended from its present classifications to a C-2 classification. |
93-26 | 8-23-1993 | The area encompassed by the boundaries of Metropolis Street and Girard Street, from Second Street to the alley connecting Metropolis Street and Girard Street which is located between Second Street and Third Street, be amended from its present classification(s) to and RC-1 classification. |
94-31 | 11-14-1994 | Rezoning a certain area encompassed by the boundaries of Fourth Street and Fifth Street, and Filmore Street and Butler Street from its prior classification of R-4 Residential District to RC-1 Restricted Commercial District classification. |
94-34 | 12-12-1994 | Rezoning a certain area which is bounded on the south by Third Street, on the east by Ferry Street, on the west by Market Street, and on the north by an existing public alley from its prior classification of R-4 Residential to C-3 Commercial District. |
94-36 | 12-12-1994 | Amending the boundaries of the area designated as an Enterprise Zone. |
96-14 | 5-13-1996 | Rezoning Lots 14-24 and 36-46 of the Kennedy Addition, from its prior classification of C-2 Commercial to R-4 Residential District classification. |
96-17 | 6-10-1996 | Rezoning a parcel of land being a part of the Fourth Addition from its prior classification of Industrial to R-4 Residential District classification. |
96-18 | 6-10-1996 | Rezoning a parcel of land being a part of the Fourth Addition from its prior classification of Industrial to R-4 Residential District classification. |
96-19 | 6-24-1996 | Rezoning a parcel of land located in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Fractional Section 12, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian from its prior classification of C-2 General Commercial to R-4 General Residential District classification. |
96-20 | 6-24-1996 | Rezoning a part of the northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification of C-2 General Commercial to R-4 General Residential District classification. |
96-21 | 6-24-1996 | Rezoning all of Blocks 150 and 151 and a portion of Blocks 148 and 149 of the Fourth Addition, from its prior classification of M-1 Light Industrial to R-4 General Residential District classification. |
96-22 | 6-24-1996 | Rezoning a part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification of C-2 General Commercial to R-4 General Residential District classification. |
96-30 | 9-23-1996 | Establishment of an “Enterprise Zone” on the city lot located at 408 Metropolis Street, Lot 380 of Block 32. |
96-33 | 10-14-1996 | Rezoning the land situated in the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian and in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 16 South, Range 5 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification as R-1 Single Family Residence to C-2 General Commercial classification. |
96-34 | 10-14-1996 | Rezoning all that part of the east one-half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification as R-1 Single Family Residence to C-2 General Commercial classification. |
96-35 | 10-14-1996 | Rezoning a parcel of land out of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification as R-1 Single Family Residence to C-2 General Commercial classification. |
96-39 | 11-25-1996 | Rezoning a parcel of ground out of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification as R-3 Residential District to R-4 Residential District classification. |
97-1 | 1-24-1997 | Rezoning Block 7, Lots 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 160, 170, 171, 172, 173, and 174, from its prior classification as M-2 to M-1 District. |
98-3 | 2-23-1998 | Rezoning Lot 4 of the northerly part of Block 105 of the Second Addition, from its prior classification of R-4 to C-2. |
98-4 | 2-23-1998 | Rezoning Lot 3 of the subdivision of Block 105, from its prior classification of R-4 to C-2. |
98-19 | 10-26-1998 | Rezoning a part of Block 154 of the Fourth Addition and a part of Block 154 of the Fourth Addition, being situated in Section 1, Township 16 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification as Residential to C-2 Commercial District classification. |
99-4 | 2-22-1999 | Rezoning a part of the west one-half of the south half of Block 86 of the Second Addition, from its prior classification of R-4 General Residence District to RC-1 Restricted Commercial District classification. |
99-7 | 3-8-1999 | Rezoning a part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, from its prior classification of R-3 to R-4 classification. |
99-8 | 4-26-1999 | Rezoning all of Block 155 of the Fourth Addition and part of Block 161 of the Fourth Addition, from their prior classification of R-1 District to C-2 District classification. |
00-6 | 4-24-2000 | Rezoning a part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 14 south, Range 4 east of the Third Principal Meridian, Massac County from R-3 Single Family Residence to R-4 General Residential District classification. |
2001-40 | 6-25-2001 | Amending zoning district boundaries for 701 E. 5th Street. |
02-04 | 3-11-2002 | Amending zoning district boundaries for 713 East 12th Street. |
2002–17 | 6-24-2002 | Jurisdictional transfer of a portion of Old Marion Road from Massac County to Metropolis. |
Res. | 5-10-2004 | Variance from the regulations relating to the Special Flood Hazard Area. |
2004-17 | 5-24-2004 | Amending zoning district boundaries for 619 East 5th Street. |
2004-18 | 5-24-2004 | Amending zoning district boundaries for 1002 Ferry Street. |
2004-19 | 5-24-2004 | Amending zoning district boundaries for 1517 East 5th Street. |
2005-20 | 6-28-2005 | Rezoning Lots 1 through 4, Lots 6 through 13 and Lots 25 through 30 of the Kennedy Addition Subdivision to R-4. |
Res. | 12-26-2007 | Granting a Special Use Permit to Verizon Wireless to construct, operate and maintain a monopole cellular telephone tower and related equipment at 2110 East 5th Street. |
2008-07 | 4-29-2008 | Approving the subdivision of Lot 5B of the Metropolis Industrial Park Second Addition to the city. |
2008-25 | 10-14-2008 | Designating certain parks as playgrounds. |
2012-11 | 8-27-2012 | Rezoning property from M-1 Light Industrial to R-4 General Residence. |
2014-40 | 12-8-2014 | Establishing an enterprise zone in the City of Metropolis, the Village of Joppa, the City of Brookport, and Massac County. |
2015-06 | 5-11-2015 | Rezoning property in Block 119, Second Addition to the city, from R-1-D Single Family Residence to C-1 Neighborhood Business. |
2015-15 | 8-10-2015 | Rezoning property located at 825 East 12th Street from R-1-A Single Family Residence to C-2 Central Business. |
2015-18 | 9-14-2015 | Granting a special use permit to the owner of Lot 51 Memorial Heights Addition Subdivision authorizing the construction of a detached garage. |
2015-27 | 12-14-2015 | Approving the re-subdivision of Lot 2 of the Metropolis Industrial Park Second Addition. |
2016-01 | 3-14-2016 | Rezoning Lots 14 through 24 of the Kennedy Subdivision from R-1-B to R-3. |
2016-03 | 5-23-2016 | Granting a special use permit for 2101 Metropolis Street. |
2016-04 | 5-23-2016 | Granting a special use permit to Mrs. Margaret Powell. |
2016-21 | 10-11-2016 | Granting a special use permit to Massac Memorial Hospital. |
2016-24 | 11-14-2016 | Establishing an enterprise zone to be known as the Massac County Enterprise Zone. |
2017-18 | 5-8-2017 | Approving the rezoning of lots 31 through 35 of the Kennedy Subdivision from R-1-B Residential to C-2 Central Business. |
2019-13 | 7-22-2019 | Approving a special use permit to allow a single-family home at 403 West 19th Street to operate a home day care as an accessory use. |