Any wooden building or part of any wooden building within the fire limits herein described shall not be razed or enlarged; nor shall any wooden building, or part of any wooden building within the fire limits be removed to any other place within the limits; nor shall any such building be removed into the fire limits; nor shall any wooden building within the fire limits which may become damaged to the extent of 50% of the value thereof by fire or other casualty be repaired or rebuilt; nor shall any such building, when the damage thereto is less than 50% of its value, be repaired in such manner as to be in better condition or state of repair than before such damage, or to occupy greater space than before the injury thereto, and the extent of the damage that may be done to any such building, by fire or other casualty, shall be determined by three disinterested citizens of the city, one of whom shall be selected by the owner of the building, or his or her agent, one by the Mayor, and the two thus chosen shall select a third, and the decision of the appraisers so chosen shall be final and conclusive.
(1977 Code, § 3-8-17) Penalty, see § 10.99