(A)   For projects built within the city, or within one and one-half miles of the boundaries of the city, involving new structures, additions, or renovations, the use of design professional services and the attachment to building permit applications of a design professional’s seal shall be utilized and shall be required when the building size or the calculated occupant load exceeds the limits described in the table contained in Appendix A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Further that the terms and conditions of Appendix A are hereby adopted as rules and regulations of the city.
   (B)   All projects commenced in the city or within one and one-half miles thereof, involving new structures, additions, or renovations shall submit a site development plan for review and approval by the city.
   (C)   The minimum required plan information shall be that which is set forth in the Development Plan Review Standards, which is attached as Appendix B and incorporated herein by reference as if though fully set forth herein and such Review Standards are hereby adopted and approved.
   (D)   The city hereby adopts the International Code Congress family of codes, 2003 edition and any subsequent amendments to such edition for all construction in the city within one and one-half miles thereof. The Mayor, Building Official, Ordinance Officer or their designee shall be responsible for the enforcement of this section.
   (E)   Copies of the codes mentioned in division (D) shall be made available for public inspection in the Metropolis City Clerk’s Office, Metropolis Mapping Department, and the Metropolis Public Library.
   (F)   No building permit shall be issued for; no construction shall be commenced upon; and no utilities shall be furnished to the premises of any new structure, addition, or renovation until the owner or developer of the project shall submit proof to the city of compliance with the terms and conditions of this section.
(Ord. 2006-16, passed 7-24-2006)