§ 112.106 LOCAL OFFICE.
   A franchisee shall maintain a customer service office within the city which shall be open at least 40 hours per week (exclusive of holidays and disaster emergencies). The office should have an adequate and knowledgeable staff in order to handle the vast majority of customer service inquiries, specifically including, but not limited to, billing inquiries, refunds, service outages, equipment service and repair, payment of bills and other charges, inquiries from disabled or physically-impaired customers, and inquiries concerning the use of PEG facilities and equipment. In addition to a local telephone number, a franchisee shall maintain at least one toll-free telephone number on a 24-hour basis to facilitate calls concerning repair of equipment and extended interruption of service. During any hours that the customer service office is open, the franchisee must provide personnel to address a customer's inquiries. During other hours, a telephone may be manned by an automatic answering device which shall be regularly monitored.
(Ord. 96-9, passed 2-26-1996)