(A)   This chapter shall not be construed so as to preclude the corporate authorities, the city or the employees thereof from cutting, trimming or removing trees, shrubs or other growth from private property which are found by the corporate authorities to constitute a nuisance or pose a threat to the general public health, safety and welfare. In all such instances, the trees, shrubs and vegetation shall be cut, trimmed, removed or otherwise abated as provided by ordinances or by applicable statute or law.
   (B)   This chapter shall not be construed so as to preclude the corporate authorities, the city or the employees thereof from cutting, trimming or removing trees, shrubs or other growth from private property which are found by the corporate authorities to pose a hazard or encumbrance upon any right-of-way or utility based upon applicable standards, codes, rules, regulations, ordinances or laws.
(Ord. 90-5, passed 3-12-1990)