(A)   In addition to the minimum requirements listed herein, landscaping at least ten feet wide, consisting of a continuous planting of evergreens and deciduous trees, at a minimum of: one two-inch DBH deciduous tree; two, two-inch DBH flowering trees; and eight, four feet tall evergreens, shall be planted for each 100 feet along the property line to separate commercial, industrial or multi-family uses from adjoining single-family residential developments or “R-1-A”, “R-1-B”, “R-1-C” , “R-1-D” and “R-1-E” districts.
   (B)   For all commercial and industrial uses, sight proof screening shall be provided, not less than six feet in height, along all side and rear property lines which are common to property zoned or used for residential purposes. Such screening shall not extend in front of the building line of adjacent dwellings.
   (C)   All mechanical equipment mounted on the rooftop of any commercial or industrial use shall be fully screened from public view by an element of the building or by a separate, permanently installed screen harmonizing with the building in material, color, size and shape.
   (D)   All exterior trash storage containers shall be located so that they are not visible from adjacent streets and properties or screened so as not to be visible from off the property. Enclosures shall have a concrete floor, a solid door and be constructed of brick or split face block or other building material that is complimentary to the principal building. Enclosures shall be constructed large enough to contain the desired trash container and any other such items as waste grease containers, waste oil containers, waste recyclable containers, and the like. The locations, dimensions, elevations and a description of the buildings materials shall be included on any required site plan submittal.
   (E)   All parking lots containing more than one row of parking shall be screened from public streets and sidewalks, public open spaces, and adjacent properties by complying with one of the following perimeter landscaping options;
      (1)   The outside perimeter of all parking areas and drive aisles shall include a landscaped area seven feet in width. When a parking lot abuts a public right-of-way, one approved street tree shall be planted every 50 feet on center within the landscaped perimeter adjacent to the right-of way; or
      (2)   A five foot wide perimeter-landscaped area with ornamental fencing (non-chain link), masonry wall or opaque hedge and an approved street tree planted every 50 feet.
   (F)   Loading areas shall be oriented away from view of the public right-of-way or adjacent residential uses. When this is not feasible, such areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way or residential areas through landscaping, walls, fences or a combination of these in a manner consistent with the development. Chain link is not an acceptable screening material.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)