(A)   The minimum landscaping requirements shall be one tree and two shrubs per 5,000 square feet of total lot area, except in the central business district no landscaping shall be required.
   (B)   All portions of the site not covered with paving or buildings shall be landscaped. Open areas not covered with other materials shall be covered with turf or groundcover. Groundcover shall be utilized on all slopes in excess of 25% (1:4).
   (C)   All parking lots constructed after the date of adoption of this ordinance and having more than one aisle of parking, exclusive of automobile storage and sales lots, shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   Each parking stall shall be within 100 feet from a deciduous shade tree or deciduous shade trees shall be provided within the parking lot at a ratio of at least one tree for every 20 parking spaces, or portion thereof;
      (2)   Interior landscaped areas shall be situated within the lot so as to be surrounded by parking lot pavement on at least three sides;
      (3)   Each landscaped area shall be separated from the pavement material by straight-back concrete curbing or by an integral concrete sidewalk and curb with a vertical face of no less than six inches so as to prevent vehicle encroachment and pavement breakup;
      (4)   Landscaping islands and tree planting areas shall be well drained and contain suitable soil and irrigation characteristics for the planting materials they contain; in ground irrigation systems may be required as determined by the City Council; and
      (5)   Landscape islands.
         (a)   Single island: there shall be an island with a minimum landscape width of seven feet and a minimum area of 100 square feet, placed at the end of single row of parking and containing at least one deciduous tree, one shrub and ground cover;
         (b)   Double island: there shall be a double island of 200 square feet placed at the ends of double row of parking. Two deciduous trees, two shrubs and ground cover are required per double landscape island.
   (D)   New trees shall have a caliper of no less than two inches measured diameter at breast height (DBH).
   (E)   A two foot car overhang area shall be provided in any planting area adjacent to parking stalls.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)