Any lawful structure which exists on the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives but which could not be erected under the terms of this chapter because of restrictions on lot size, height, setbacks, or other characteristics of the structure or its location on the lot, may lawfully remain, subject to the following:
   (A)   Enlargement, alterations. No such structure shall be enlarged or altered in any way which increases its nonconformity;
   (B)   Relocation. No such structure shall be relocated unless, after relocation, it will conform to all the requirements of the district in which it is relocated; and
   (C)   Reconstruction. If less than 50% of a nonconforming structure is damaged, such nonconforming structure may be rebuilt as long as its non-conformity is not increased. If 50% or more of a nonconforming structure is damaged, such nonconforming structure may not be rebuilt. If rebuilding on the site does occur, the only structure permitted in such a case is one which conforms to requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. In all instances, the percentage of damage shall be determined by the Administrative Official.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)