(A)   Intent and purpose. The provisions of this Section are intended to protect property values and enhance community appearance in keeping with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Metropolis.
   (B)   Application of regulations.
      (1)   These regulations shall apply in addition to the other regulations of the underlying zoning districts.
      (2)   These regulations shall not apply to single or two-family residences or agricultural operations.
      (3)   The building and construction standards of this Section apply to all buildings which lie, in whole or in part, within 150 feet of a major road or highway, including but not limited to, US Route 45, Highway 145, North Avenue and East 12th.
   (C)   Minimum exterior building material standards. A minimum of 75% of each exterior wall, excluding windows and doors, shall consist of the following materials:
      (1)   Masonry, provided that no wall facing a public street be constructed with a plain faced concrete block facade;
      (2)   Concrete panels, provided they have an exposed aggregate, sandblasted or painted surface;
      (3)   Stucco;
      (4)   Glass walls;
      (5)   Wood, aluminum or vinyl siding; and
      Buildings covered by this Section on properties zoned “I” shall have a minimum of 25% (excluding windows and doors) of each exterior wall facing a public street with said exterior walls constructed of an approved material as set forth in divisions (C)(1) through (5) of this section.
   (D)   Prohibited materials on all exterior walls. The following materials are prohibited for use in construction of exterior walls:
      (1)   Concrete finish or precast concrete panel (tilt wall) that is not exposed aggregate, sandblasted or covered with a cement-based acrylic coating;
      (2)   Metal panels which do not meet the IBC standard;
      (3)   Composition board or plywood paneling;
      (4)   Any other material not listed in division (C) of this section.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)