(A)   Christmas tree sales: Christmas tree sales in any commercial or industrial district pursuant to all applicable city ordinances, for a period not to exceed 60 days. Display of Christmas trees need not comply with the yard and setback requirements of these regulations, provided that no trees shall be displayed within 30 feet of the intersection of the curb line of any two streets.
   (B)   Contractor’s office: contractor’s office and equipment sheds (containing no sleeping or cooking accommodations) accessory to a construction project and to continue only for the duration of such project.
   (C)   Real estate office: real estate office (containing no sleeping or cooking accommodations unless located in a model dwelling unit) incidental to a new housing development to continue only until the initial sale or lease of all dwelling units in the development.
   (D)   Seasonal sales: seasonal sale of farm produce grown on the premises. Structures incidental to such sale need not comply with the applicable front yard requirements if the structures are removed or moved back of the required front yard setback line at the end of the season during which they are used.
   (E)   Carnivals and circuses: a carnival or circus, but only in the “C-1”, “C-2”, “C-3”, “C-4”, “I” or equivalent Planned Districts, and then only for a period that does not exceed three weeks. Such use need not comply with the front yard requirements, provided that structures or equipment which might block the view of operators of motor vehicles on the public streets shall conform to the requirements of the sight triangle as defined by these regulations.
   (F)   Garage sales: it shall be unlawful to conduct a garage sale unless such sale is in compliance with the following requirements:
      (1)   Sales shall last no longer than three consecutive days;
      (2)   Sales are held no more than four times a year at any one address;
      (3)   Sales are conducted on a person’s then owned or rented dwelling property provided that multiple-family sales are permitted if they are held on property then owned or rented for dwelling purposes by one of the participants;
      (4)   No goods purchased for resale may be offered for sale;
      (5)   No consignment goods may be offered for sale;
      (6)   Directional signs may not be placed on the right-of-way or in a location that obstructs the view of vehicle drivers, pedestrians or other vehicles or users of the streets and sidewalks;
      (7)   All directional advertising signs shall be freestanding and shall be removed after completion of the sale;
      (8)   No directional or advertising signs shall be larger than four square feet.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)