§ 156.193 LIMITATIONS.
   (A)   Outdoor storage is not permitted, unless those goods, materials, merchandise or vehicles stored on the property are required for the agricultural operations occurring on such property; outdoor storage is also permitted if authorized pursuant to an approved site plan or special use permit.
   (B)   The following uses are exempt from the district Maximum building height standard: agricultural buildings and structures such as, but not limited to, silos, windmills and grain elevators. Dwellings are not exempt from such maximum building height standard.
   (C)   The following uses are exempt from the district maximum building size standard: agricultural buildings and structures such as, but not limited to, barns, silos and grain elevators. Dwellings are not exempt from such maximum building size standard.
   (D)   Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded so that no direct light is cast upon any residential dwelling which is located outside an “A” district, and so that no glare is visible to any traffic on any public street.
   (E)   Public improvements, open space, or other amenities shall be required as approved by the City Council to mitigate impact of non-residential uses when such uses in this district are located near residential uses.
(Ord. 2013-22, passed 11-25-2013)