A meeting of a public body at which any member has been authorized to attend electronically, in accordance with § 11.018, must be conducted in accordance with the following special rules, in addition to any other applicable rules and procedures of the public body.
   (A)   Roll call and quorum. A quorum of the public body must be physically present at the meeting. Following the call of the roll, and at the conclusion of the procedures set forth in § 11.018(B), the presiding officer shall identify each member who is attending the meeting electronically.
   (B)   Public access to meeting. The speech of a member attending electronically shall be amplified in such a manner that it shall be generally audible to members of the public body and the public who are physically present at the meeting. Also, any video image of a member attending electronically shall be projected in such a manner that the member’s video image shall be generally visible and audible to members of the public body and the public who are physically present at the meeting. In addition, the votes of any member of the public body attending electronically shall be generally audible at the location where such meeting is being held and expressly acknowledged by the presiding officer. When a member attends a closed meeting electronically, the member’s speech shall be generally audible to all members of the public body who are physically present at the meeting, and the audio recording of the meeting required by the OMA Act shall incorporate the speech of the member electronically attending the closed meeting.
   (C)   Minutes. The minutes of each meeting of a public body shall identify which of the members of the public body were physically present and, if applicable, which members of the public body attended the meeting by video or audio conference.
(Ord. MET 08-02, passed 4-11-2008)