The following procedures are required before a member of a public body is authorized to attend electronically a meeting of that public body.
   (A)   Notice to the Secretary. The member must notify the Secretary, in writing, at least four hours prior to the meeting in which the member desires to attend electronically, unless advance notice is impractical. The notice shall be substantially in the form attached to this policy as Appendix A, incorporated in § 10.104, and shall identify the reason the member cannot be physically present at the meeting in accordance with § 11.017. If the member is unable to give the required written notice prior to the meeting, the member shall notify the Secretary by other means prior to the meeting and shall submit the required written notice as soon as practicable following the meeting.
   (B)   Determination of authorization of electronic attendance.
      (1)   Upon receipt of notice in accordance with paragraph (A) above, the Secretary shall promptly forward the notice to the presiding officer of the public body.
      (2)   After establishing that a quorum of the public body is physically present at the meeting at which a member has requested to attend electronically, the presiding officer shall state:
         (a)   A notice was received by a member of the public body in accordance with this policy; and
         (b)   The member will be deemed authorized to attend the meeting electronically unless a motion objecting to the member’s electronic attendance is made, seconded and approved by two-thirds of the members of the public body physically present at the meeting.
      (3)   If no such motion is made and seconded or if any such motion fails to achieve the required vote by the members of the public body physically present at the meeting, then the request by the member to attend the meeting electronically shall be deemed approved by the public body and the presiding officer shall declare the requesting member present.
(Ord. MET 08-02, passed 4-11-2008)